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Showing posts from June, 2018

A Mothers Love

Today was one of the hardest days of my life. I am strong yet I am human. I used to cry all the time. Now my days are filled with caring for my children. I don’t have time to mope, be sad or weep. I cried today. Genuine Mother tears. Jermaine Jr’s story is his to share. I haven’t posted a Blog in months because I have been too busy. I’ve been on a journey and have met some wonderful people along the way. Doctors, lawyers, people from all walks of life who’s primary goal is to make sure my child has a great quality of life.  As I write this my baby is napping. He’s so tired. He’s been up all day being a good boy. He’s such a blessing to me. He literally saved me. I will do anything for him. I thank God for my child every day-just like he is. This world we live in is cruel. Especially to fatherless boys of color. I try to be everything to my kids. It’s hard. I have to manage my feelings constantly because of my blood pressure. My kids need me. My sons girlfriend said he told her he’s s