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Showing posts from December, 2019

Writers Block

For ALL y’all signing this petition KEEP this same energy about y’all President committing Treason-REMEMBER Pearl Harbor! SNEAK shit! I sympathize with animal cruelty! But he served his TIME! The HATE in America is so REAL! Y’all mad about Ms. Universe, MAD at Gabrielle Union making 12 million dollars a YEAR and that baby CUTE, Dwade loves HER, so y’all taking it out on their SON, MAD the Obamas bought a 12 million dollar vacation home with HARD earned MONEY! MAD at AVA because of “WHEN THEY SEE US! Shut them OUT of the nominations because it was TOO HARD to watch the TRUTH! AND EVEN harder to watch US WIN! MAD at Lena Waithe  because of “Queen and Slim” and she’s a successful woman of color! I am WRITING my TRUTH as a STRONG, intelligent. Gifted and Loving BLACK Woman in America! 42 years and I KNOW WHO isn’t going to BUY it! ALL my LIFE my parents taught me get in the room and open your MOUTH Kimberly! Yet as I age and with Jermaine Jr. (It was EASIER with David which is SAD) t