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Showing posts from June, 2021


When David was little I was always RUSHING, busting my ASS and EARS trying to make ends meet. Working a job that I detested to give my child a life many would COVET 😏🤦🏾‍♀️ But there’s GLORY in my STORY because it was written by The Creator and this go round I am present and my Baby is TALKING! NOTHING in the WORLD means more to ME than THAT!  BOTH my children see me being the independent, fearless and STRONG woman that is a replica of my dear, beautiful departed Mother. I’m sorry Ginny if you never knew how much I truly appreciate you on Earth and in Heaven because you were one of kind and raised us the best you could with what you had and I am honored to be your child.  I emphasize the word STRONG because the love of my life saw in me what I couldn’t see in MYSELF! Sometimes in our quest for normalcy and inclusion we forget to embrace the fact that we aren’t born to just fit in we are born to stand out!  My Paternal Grandmother loved each and every one of us uniquely and individual