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Showing posts from December, 2021

This Christmas

 I just want to take a moment and thank everyone near and far for the love shown to my child this holiday  season. From the School to my family, friends and neighbors I am truly thankful.  Christmas  has always been a special time to me. My Mother worked so HARD for MONTHS every YEAR in the Post Office to give us a joyous Christmas . As I age I adore her even more because everyone wasn’t “Mothering” My Father put EVERYTHING together. For EVERYONE. He was the epitome of a Father. He was so GOOD to US. His death wasn’t the true tragedy, me discovering it years later was. He understood though because children often don’t appreciate their parents until they are gone. Not only do I look just like him but I inherited his trait of constantly reinventing myself. I saw my friend walking his kids down these same streets and it touched my heart. Daddy used to take us with him so Mommy could get some REST. He KNEW she was TIRED and he cared! My parents got along SO well because they didn’t CARE. I