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Showing posts from October, 2022

The Catastrophe that is Kanye

  George Clooney gave a dozen of his friends a million dollars each in customized suitcases to thank them for letting him sleep on their couches and bailing him out of jams. For investing in his dreams, visions and above ALL support.  Kanye West said Meek Mills was a FED. Who would STILL be in prison if it wasn’t for Jay Z. He praises the person that was the 45th President without even addressing the treasonous war crimes he commits.  Mackenzie Scott donates unheard of amounts of money to causes and charities that are centered on uplifting minorities and women.  Kanye West is set to buy conservative social media platform Parler where they call US Monkeys, Apes, Goons, Thugs and I’m just being KIND.  This is not about him being mentally ill (which he is) because he knows exactly what he is DOING. I ALWAYS had empathy for Kanye because I KNOW there’s a thin line between brilliance and insanity.  That sh@t he said about the late George Floyd was so horrific and uncalled for. N.O.R.E. was

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Good Morning Everyone! I feel AMAZING and I hope you do TOO!  Worry is the thief of JOY! I put EVERYTHING into changing my LIFE. EVERYTHING! Old keys don’t open new doors. Yes I am ALOT! That’s how GOD CREATED ME.  One day your life will flash before your eyes. I KNOW my Mother thought “Kim and the baby will be OK because Helen, Colette and Daniele will help her” She was correct. I do NEED help. I am NOT a MACHINE. But to whom much is given much is required. I’m thankful for my TRIBE.  My DREAMS for my SONS are to be self-sufficient. That’s IT. The magnitude of THAT lies in their will and desire to succeed. Just to be able to walk this earth and truly take care of themselves. Our lives are going to take us to different corners of the World because I made the first step three years ago to get on that plane.  I digress-if NOTHING I say resonates with you let me CLEAR-you cannot stay stagnate, you have to live your life genuinely and you cannot be consumed by how other treat you. That is


It takes a tremendous amount of WORK to EVOLVE. To clear the clutter in your mind and life.  To stay focused and keep striving when the world conditions you to be the same.  When they rely on it because it’s the Blueprint and the standard they measure their own lives by. It’s an arduous task being a leader by example.  My Father used to tell me “there will never be a Black President unless it’s YOU” That’s a confidence building premonition yet the heaviness of that statement was always sobering.  My Father was born to a Mother that made sure she was ALWAYS there for ME. I know the DEPTH of it Nana. It sustains me. I will raise my Grandchildren in your image.  I’m learning to feed people with long handed spoons and not answer to every dog’s bark  I’m not going to allow anything to stunt my growth. Or belittle the strides I’ve made. I am the Victor not a victim.  I’ve stopped giving “exit interviews” I have stopped carrying burdens that are not mine to bear. I wake up Thanking God for th