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Showing posts from December, 2023

A Year in the Life

 This year taught me many things. You reap what you sow. Point blank period! Happiness comes from within. It’s never a true loss if you learned something. Self-care is not selfish it’s a necessity. To thine own self be true.  I used to literally toss and turn about stuff that had nothing to do with me. Other people’s problems that were just that-they’re problems. PTSD situations and my triggers. Dragged down by my need to save people! Not anymore. Good luck with that.  Im not PERFECT! I love TOO HARD and don’t know how to go with the flow! SIKE! 2023 was my year to truly DO ME! It’s been a work in progress. It didn’t come overnight but gradually I have come to embrace and accept that I’m the sh*t! I draw strength from my Grandparents! My Parents all my elders! Aunt Colette will always be BEST dressed and I got this from her. They ALL fly and humble like their Mothers.  Mrs.Young my fourth grade teacher would put on her lipstick and grab her pocketbook and fur coat and take us to dismis