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Showing posts from October, 2018

School Days

Last Friday I was getting my nails and feet done with JJ. I try not to bring him with me but as a single mother I do what I have to do. My day one came in the shop and was talking with us. Like she has known me since David was a little boy going to 197. She was getting a pedicure on her break. She kept JJ entertained while I got my nails done even though she could of been bounced...she went to the store for him and got him a snack and a juice. It’s been on my mind because she gave me a recommendation on a school in our neighborhood for Jermaine. I didn’t even know about it and neither did the Specialist or his teachers....He currently has in-house services 5 days a week and is thriving. He needs to be in an environment with his peers so he can have a great quality of life. I was apprehensive to send him far away in other parts of Queens and Brooklyn that was recommended and although I LOVE my TEAM home based services take a lot of coordination and patience...this will add more balance