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Showing posts from December, 2018

I miss you most at Christmas Time

I remember the Christmas after my surgery  my job messed my money up and all I could buy David was a video game, a controller and a pair of came over and we had mad fun we had quarter legs and collard greens and drank Christian Brothers just ME and YOU 🤪😜you told me get dressed and go to Sharon party and look what happened I laugh so hard because if YOU had of went he probably would of ended up with you 🙃I also remember the year you bought me 30 Barbie dolls and that lady who you was walking around the store with and who watched your carts while you got the car took ONE and you CRIED because she was so NICE and was struggling to get all her kids gifts and you told her “my baby Kim still isn’t going to be satisfied” and SURE enough Christmas Day I told Daddy after he worked so HARD putting my dollhouse together while cooking and getting grease all over my dollhouse walls it wasn’t the RIGHT one and if SHE hadn’t of bought all those Barbie dolls I would of had the righ

A Year In The Life

As 2018 draws to a close I've had an amazing year. I have come so far. I think back on all I have experienced and the strides I have made and I know its nothing but God's Will and His Amazing Grace. I am living my life with purpose, strength and drive. The little moments can and do define you. I didn't know my own strength. I have found my tribe. The days are long and the nights are short but I have a group of people that "get me". Each and every day we motivate, uplift and depress each other. Nobody can truly see the best in you unless they want the best for you. So if your wallowing in guilt, pity or despair you can't reside there long WE don't have that type of time. I've been working on living my life focusing on living to solidify my character more than worrying about my reputation. In my forty-one years on earth I have learned through my Faith, Parents and Experiences-they talked about Jesus Christ. You must forgive me I binge watched "T