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Showing posts from April, 2019

The Sweetest Days

When you change your outlook you change your life. For the last twenty-two years I have been not only surviving but thriving. I am my harshest critic. I am TIRED. I AM FINE. I don't have a care in the world. I am able to live independently and comfortably in the city where dreams are made with my children. I worked like a DOG for years at jobs that weren't the best fit for me to provide a life for my oldest son that many coveted. I get to stay home with my younger son and solidify his future. God is good. Are some days better than others? Of course! But each day is a new opportunity to be appreciative and live in the moment. My son will be twenty two years old tomorrow! I DID THAT! By no means perfect my child that I GAVE EVERYTHING TO has amazed me by who he has become. We TRY. WE KNOW Jermaine Jr. is watching. From birth I have done it ALONE. I seek no pity or adoration I'm just merely stating a fact. The greatest thing that came from this is knowing with age comes wisd