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Showing posts from May, 2019

A New Day has Dawned

I used to worry about EVERYTHING. I tend to overthink and instead of living in the moment I ALWAYS think about what may come next. I am the child of a cool cucumber(GINNY) AND KIM TO THE 100X POWER(RONALD) I needed to find a balance. I hadn't been feeling good for awhile. I didn't know exactly what was wrong but something wasn't right. I had every test you could think of. To say I was scared was an understatement. I felt weak everyday and you know once I get a couple of dollars I BE OUT yet I couldn't find the strength to do the most mundane tasks.  I was weak, tired and I stood(briefly at times) defeated. My physician couldn't reach me by phone so she sent me a letter saying come in ASAP you had some abnormal test results. I received it on a Friday and Auntie Helen was on vacation. I didn't wanna bother her.  I told Eboni a little bit about it but rushed her off the phone because she has her own burdens to bear as the mogul in the making she is can be exhau