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Showing posts from September, 2019

To Her, With Love

My baby is officially in Pre-K. To say its amazing would be putting it mildly. I am so proud of him. I knew that once he was there he was going to love it. That is all that matters that he thrives. I love my children and David and are so elated that Jermaine is happy and in school. To God Be The Glory. I am praying for the Bahamas. In every city there's delegates and a coalition that is sending aid through various organizations. If all else fails contact Reality star and philanthropist Bethenny Frankel who is spearheading relief efforts through her charitable endeavors. They are devastated and need assistance. I have an exciting month coming up ahead. I am very thankful that life is good. Worry is the thief of joy. What's to be is to be! When you yearn for peace and it is granted you will live and feel differently. The life The Creator has given me is one that brings me unbridled happiness. I spent an entire year worrying about a GREAT day! That's over! Like I am living