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Showing posts from February, 2021

Betty Baisley

  My grandmother is on my mind because her anniversary is coming up.....I realize how much of an influence she is on me. You know why I have this vast vocabulary? Because Nana used to TALK to family doesn’t really like to talk to about it because I talk so much now🤣🤣🤣 but I was speech delayed as well. I believe it was because of my hearing I always had hearing problems my parents and teachers just masked and hid it because well I was a gifted, black little girl growing up in NYC in a time where every spot was a challenge. It more than likely was co-signed and approved by Nana... My Grandmother was to me in death what she was in life-My Role Model. I KNOW almost everything about her and it makes me admire her more. The respect my Mother had for her was so touching. She always used to say “Miss Betty loves my kids” with pride! Nana gave us everything! ALL of US every time. Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, we was lit! I am so confident body wise beca

Love Wins

 I did it like 5 times as a Directory Assistance Operator that shift was rough and I was young . My Father worked 630 am-230pm in the Post office he would be at work mad early. Even his funeral started on TIME! 🙏🏾 My mother switched from nights (11-7) to 7am-3pm after 25 years. She worked in the Post Office from the time she was 18 until she retired. She wanted to work in the bank she was brilliant with numbers a trait Courtney inherited. The Post Offive called her first and she committed to it and THEN the bank called her.... She was so MAD at herself for not switching sooner. She wanted to spend every second available to us. I SEE that NOW/. We had the same phone number until I was grown. She always left the best impressions. When she died the man that owns the check cashing place told me that my Mother was one of the most responsible people he ever met...How many times did he cash her checks and she spent almost every dime on bills? No Food Stamps. no Jiggets, no Section 8, no NOT