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Showing posts from October, 2023

Imitation of Life

  I read that when you feel stressed out you should plan a vacation. My good friend who supported me throughout the years in many ways invited me to celebrate her birthday with her. I’m really excited because she’s amazing and a true BOSS and we are going to have a TIME.  I am making monumental strides in life. I’m Moving Right Along like my Father taught me. Early this morning my Aunt Darlene’s post about my Mothers favorite song “I wanna Thank You” (Heavenly Father) by Alicia Meyers. It’s Michael B. Jordan’s favorite song too. He said it in Vogue’s 73 Questions.  Just seeing my Mothers Name and the fact that this was her song brought so many memories back. This world is beyond ridiculous now. Like my heart hurts but I cannot let it break. So I’m living each day on purpose in my truest form. Self care is not selfish it’s a necessity. We watch reality tv and come on. All that money. It doesn’t buy happiness but it alleviates so many problems. So choose peace every day. And respect. She


I spent a lot of time alone. For the first time in my life I truly reflected on where I am, where I wanna go and where I have been. I cannot go back and undo anything. There are no do-overs. Just moments that will matter.   I was raised on sitcoms and soap operas. I wrote plays and skits as a child. In my teenage years I rebelled but I was given absolution from my Family and God when both my sons were born a generation apart. The two human beings that I never once thought about not bringing into this world.  I’m living every day on purpose and in my own element. I’m thriving because I’m changing everything I ever was into everything I can be. I had to give myself permission to do this . It changed my life.  I tried to see the good in everyone. It’s not my journey. I can’t care about everyone. Mommy told me that after Chevelle died. She told me my heart was so big. But it can’t carry everyone . It will burst. She said she knows I thought she was a bit cold but it was self preservation.


 Hi Everyone! I feel AMAZING and I hope you do to!  I’m praying for everyone who is going through something right now. It will get BETTER. Maybe not right now, maybe not in the near future. Maybe not for a LONG time. But it will. I am a testament to that.  I’m keeping it so REAL with y’all. I had to go through  some dark times to see the bright light that I am. To know it’s ok to DREAM because God will TOP that. To be confident in the knowledge that my purpose, my calling is to be a conduit between the things I have experienced and witnessed and the WORLD.  In the immortal words of Jason Terrance Phillips “I’m not cocky, I’m just confident. So when you tell me I’m the best m, it’s a compliment”-Jadakiss #movingrightalong #Jadakiss