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Turning the Page

  Mommy and her friends at Russo’s on the Bay at a Post office reunion. Uncle Goode sent me this and boy oh boy was I startled this morning.  I see her life as a testament that you reap what you sow. It takes under ten seconds to tell anyone what you do for a living. My Mother worked in the Post office her entire career. After a brief stint as a teenager with Auntie Helen at ironically the phone company.  Choosing a federal job over the BANK! She was hired on the SPOT as a woman of color because she was a mathematical genius. Courtney inherited that trait for her. She was seventeen years old. Tour 1 like a FOOL (11pm-7am)she would say. After she began working in the Vault 7am-3pm after almost thirty years of the night shift. She was in the vault in the Post Office at JFK in NYC on September 11, 2001.  She was concerned about me getting home newly hearing impaired at MetroTech downtown Brooklyn. I love EVERYTHING about you Ma but the BEST thing was you were so GENUINE.  I’m going to wri
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