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Showing posts from January, 2018

Father Can you Hear Me?

I am such a procrastinator. I literally wait for the last minute to do anything. So is my oldest child. So was my Mother. I have always been late. To school, work, events. Strolling into school at nine o’clock thinking it’s okay because I’m gifted and talented. I’m the teachers pet. Bitch-you late. Sashaying into work on the latest tour dressed to kill while others were on time sitting with rollers in their hair. But I’m DEAF and I work at the phone company. Bitch-you about to get suspended. My Father was the King of Time management. He hated being late. He despised that I was always late. My graduation everybody came-all I really remember besides Nana telling me take off my shoes was Daddy pacing back and forth in front of the school in the scorching heat waiting for everyone to arrive. He had just completed a lengthy stay at a Rehabilitation facility and to say that he looked GOOD was an understatement. Moving right Along was the sharpest man in the Auditorium. I’m single and David

Captain of the A Team

As Spring takes a peek out from under her Sister Winter’s hat and scarf the sun is shining through my living room like a Rainbow after a Storm. I feel such peace and tranquility. I spent some time with my family and friends doing everything and nothing. My baby is thriving around his cousins. I am learning so much from my Tribe. We are enjoying raising our children together. Family is the people that stay when everyone else walks away. Blood makes you related but loyalty makes you family. I haven’t written in awhile because I have been super busy. Doing a lot of everything and a little of nothing I have been purging my home of the remnants of my former self. I still have my moments but they days of uncertainty and fear of failure are long gone. My sons brighten my life with each smile and touch my heart with each laugh. I love my life and motherhood and I’m so blessed. The journey was all God’s Plan. You ever just sit back and feel grateful? I mean not after a windfall or blessing.


I really am flattered by all the positive energy that my Blog has created. I am humbled that people subscribe to it and anticipate my posts. Life has a way of keeping you so consumed that it leaves little time for much else. Between my kids and my writing and remodeling my apartment I don't really have a lot of time. I have been hanging out a little bit and spending time with people that make me feel good. Throw in a hopefully very lucrative consulting venture and a dash of not giving a damn and you have created the perfect storm. Life is just that life. It comes at you hard. It changes in the blink of an eye. I can only speak for myself but there's calm in the chaos. You have to lean on your faith. You have to believe in yourself. I was a very negative person for a long time. Sure I'm strong however after a while even I got tired of the same story. It's all how you spin things. Stop looking at that closed door. Don't put limitations on yourself. Believe that you

To thine own self be true

Less is truly more. I am doing what I need to do to provide my children with a life that they desire. One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to HEAL. It took me to have others share with me their pain to see exactly how bad I was hurting. Hurting for nothing. Life is God's plan. In less than one year I have completely changed my entire life. My days are filled with raising Jermaine Jr., helping David craft whatever he desires. Making a professional splash in the world of Writing, Plus Size Fashion and Home Design simultaneously. I find if you keep yourself busy you have little time to feel melancholy. Are some days better than others YES but after the struggle comes the ease. I feel great about what lies ahead and am content with the here and now. I don't want to be famous I want to stay fulfilled. I'm tired of arguing with people that don't hear or see me. 2017 was a catalyst in my life. 2018 is the time where I will see the fruits of my labor. Th