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Showing posts from February, 2018

I’m a Hustler Baby....

Both my Grandfathers were hustlers. They did what they had to do LEGALLY to take care of their families. Thirty five years ago my Papa told me while driving down I95 that when he was younger that was mostly dirt road and Jim Crow was in effect but he always drove to New York before he migrated up here from Murfreesboro, NC because “New York was where the money was at.” He used to let me listen in the car to ballads and LITE-FM on the way back home from the Bronx while I did my homework and wrote my stories because he said “whatever makes you write Kim.” And you KNOW I forgot about the money Pop Pop gave me when that first Bell Atlantic check was taking too long and David needed pull-ups, Capri sun juice boxes and Happy Meals while I worked. I got my hair done too. Being the Father to thirteen kids, countless grands and great grands must of been stressful at times yet God was greater because he lived to be ninety three years old. Being married to Nana was a job in itself yet they love

I’m so FLY

As I spend this cold, bright Saturday devoted to myself I look back at all I have accomplished since Jermaine was born. I’m a very pessimistic person. Yet I have an innate ability to encourage, motivate and inspire others. All of my life. So while paying it forward I have directed my time and energy into myself and my children. And I have been blessed tenfold. It pays to be nice to people. The other day I ALMOST in true Kim form told this woman to mind her fucking business when she inquired why I was so upset. Yet like a MIGHTY River the words flowed like a damn being bursted. She peeled off the old bandaids(defense mechanisms and the cliche-“I’m okay”) I used to cover my internal wounds and dressed them, rebandaged them and kissed my booboos. She talked to me like a woman, a friend and my equal. I only encountered her because I made a surprising ally in someone that six months ago saw me as just another hurt, bitter, LOUD angry black woman. Not all Law enforcement are the enemy. The