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Showing posts from July, 2018

Selfcare Reform

This Blog entry is designated to my Sisters of color today. My gender as a whole is a beautiful and talented pool of women that I admire and love. I however am speaking to the ladies that look like me, talk like me and act like me. It's female with black in front of it. I say Black because my Late Mother told me oh so long ago to call us Black was such a respectful turn in history. African-American women are the cornerstone of civilization-I'm sorry if I sound biased. Vince and Tamar Herbert have more money than hundred of thousands of Americans yet she was told to "HUSH" the other day on tarmac by a Captain. If she wasn't being recorded I believe they would of dragged her off the plane not caring who she was. Other ethnicities scream and yell at the top of their lungs yet let US voice our opinions, quote laws or just try to reciprocate what others do and all hell will break loose. I digress-this is about US and for US. I'm about to import forty-one years of 

Jermaine's Journey

 I could of never imagined my life would be like this. So many changes, so much going on yet so amazing. Thank you God for every blessing and every lesson. It had to happen just like this!  Years ago David advised me to leave my page open and connect with people. My baby always supports me and is my number one fan! He constantly tells me I'm hilarious. He just hates when I'm Kim instead of Mom with the jokes sometimes(I'm a Cougar Tokyo Vanity-fly, fat and fucking-I put the I in insanity)I was so leery because of nonsense and nosey bitches yet they find a way to see your shit anyway! So many dope people support me through social media! Happy hoes ain't hating and hating hoes ain't happy. You know I'm always  gonna have another dollar, another outfit and another N^gga.... I digress GO hard! Build your brand, invest in yourself and HELP others! Not everyone (don’t be a FOOL in Ginny’s voice) and STOP breaking your own heart over and over! People come into