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Selfcare Reform

This Blog entry is designated to my Sisters of color today. My gender as a whole is a beautiful and talented pool of women that I admire and love. I however am speaking to the ladies that look like me, talk like me and act like me. It's female with black in front of it. I say Black because my Late Mother told me oh so long ago to call us Black was such a respectful turn in history. African-American women are the cornerstone of civilization-I'm sorry if I sound biased. Vince and Tamar Herbert have more money than hundred of thousands of Americans yet she was told to "HUSH" the other day on tarmac by a Captain. If she wasn't being recorded I believe they would of dragged her off the plane not caring who she was. Other ethnicities scream and yell at the top of their lungs yet let US voice our opinions, quote laws or just try to reciprocate what others do and all hell will break loose. I digress-this is about US and for US. I'm about to import forty-one years of  "What I know for sure"(in my Oprah voice) on you.

*Disclaimer:the views expressed are solely, wholly and unapologetically my own.* I am sharing my life experiences, knowledge and wisdom as well as maybe some biased opinions influenced by the systematic and unfair totem pole class system in this world. It is heavily prevalent in America the country I am Native too. Raised a Native New Yorker in a time that is now extinct where education, honor and hard work trumped all. I have seen a lot of faces and been a lot of places...

I was a very impressionable youth. So although we loved "Good Times" my home veered away from any show that depicted people of color as subservient. John Amos famously battled with executives after he suggested that his character and the direction of the show as a whole needed to be steered to improving the way they were depicted. I learned as an adult WHY my late Father distinctly wouldn't allow me to watch Blaxploitation movies. He said Donald Goines novels were allowed because he was a storyteller yet I didn't see "Claudine" until I was grown-I'm glad too. I'm sure it would of scarred me and I wouldn't of appreciated it as I did as a Single Mother. The stereotypes depicted were so NOT the norm for the actors in this film. They were hardworking and respected members of the artistic community. Ironically in the first season of "Good Times" the Evans children suggest their parents go see this film. The starring role was originally given to Diana Sands who on her deathbed from Cancer pleaded with Diahann Carroll to take the role.

That leads me to the first topic I want to discuss-our health. African-American women take care of everyone but ourselves, Not ALL but most. I want as we approach Fall for everyone who reads this to carve out a niche of time dedicated solely to our well being. I'm talking spiritually, physically, mentally and unconditionally! Jackie Christie from "Basketball Wives" went from a VH1 pariah to a reality television redemption story through one season of therapy, self love, accountability and easing up on the indulgences. Everyone has a story to their Glory. Let one without sin cast the first stone. Yet when you sign up to be in the public eye your accountable for how you are portrayed. We are edited differently as well. Explosive, combative and vitriolic monologues attract viewers.

That leads me to another topic. Relationships 101. If it don't feel good then don't force it. I'm serious. I'm talking ALL relationships. TRUST me no matter HOW long you work with people only a few will remain constants in your life in the future. Make memories but go there, do your job and DREAM big. Don't let your career define who you are. I worked at a fortune five company in a position that wasn't an ideal fit for me to give my oldest a life many coveted. My health suffered. I loved the lessons and it was a definitive part of my life.

There are only so many hours in the day. We overschedule, multitask and it takes a toll on us. Texting while driving, cooking while doing laundry. Single mothers such as myself stretch ourselves so thin just trying to keep the proverbial ball rolling. I saw the optometrist with J.J, on my lap. Could of bagged him too if I was by myself he was feeling the kid but I'm GOOD and I was so worried about my child jumping off the chair I wasn't being "Kimmish" but I was flattered I'm deaf I ain't blind or stupid.

 Ladies don't let yesterday interfere with tomorrow especially if they serve no purpose. The show must go on. I'm not even mad. I'm still gonna make it. People don't even be mad at YOU-they MAD because it's YOU. I write while he naps. I walk everyday. I quit cigarettes cold turkey Halloween night 2017 AND I am in better place because I'm following these rules. It took me so long to get here.

If nothing I say resonates with you just take a moment out of your day to read this post. Give yourself THAT. Store it, save it, or screenshot the link so you can read it while you wait for the air conditioner to come on in the car. While your in line in the grocery store. Waiting for your Uber. While your held time management hostage on the day your child is scheduled for Occupational and Speech Therapy. When the washing machine has eight more minutes and you cant go back upstairs yet or too tired too. A beautiful songbird who in retrospect had the odds stacked so high against her God gave her an angelic voice because He knew He would hear her sing "learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all"


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