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Jermaine's Journey

 I could of never imagined my life would be like this. So many changes, so much going on yet so amazing. Thank you God for every blessing and every lesson. It had to happen just like this! 

Years ago David advised me to leave my page open and connect with people. My baby always supports me and is my number one fan! He constantly tells me I'm hilarious. He just hates when I'm Kim instead of Mom with the jokes sometimes(I'm a Cougar Tokyo Vanity-fly, fat and fucking-I put the I in insanity)I was so leery because of nonsense and nosey bitches yet they find a way to see your shit anyway! So many dope people support me through social media! Happy hoes ain't hating and hating hoes ain't happy. You know I'm always  gonna have another dollar, another outfit and another N^gga....

I digress GO hard! Build your brand, invest in yourself and HELP others! Not everyone (don’t be a FOOL in Ginny’s voice) and STOP breaking your own heart over and over! People come into your life for a reason and a seasons-Friends, lovers and representatives. Focus on you, be selfish(within reason) and dream! Give it to Him and he will top that. Stay informed with current events and what’s going on domestically and abroad but don’t let it consume you. 

We have a saying in my family-My Mother wasn’t heartless she just learned to use her heart LESS! If she loved you then you had an ally. If she felt indifference because she hated no ONE she would cut you like a knife until you bled with so much pain with her words that you wanted to fight her but you knew better because she would fuck you up even in a wheelchair. Don't let her grab you it was over! Auntie Helen is a beast NOW gloves off RETIRED. I KNOW you are watching like "get it Laverne"! It’s so HARD not having Mommy to read my work and help me. I channel your strength all the time Mama. Some battles aren't even worth it. I know she’s always with me. I love you Ginny so much.

I’m focusing on enjoying my life. Jermaine Jr.'s daily schedule restricts how often we travel right now but we sneak in a getaway as often as we can. There's so much love in my home. David and I are as close as we ever have been. He hardly talks about the past, I see it like he's so happy I've finally found my own voice. I still have a hard time relaxing but I'm slowly trying to be more spontaneous.

Each day I grow stronger. Long gone is the quest for approval and the need for perfection. It's unattainable. I don't care about nothing that's not beneficial to my family or making me money. I don't have that type of time-In that order! I'm also in like with someone and it feels so good! He matches my fly and it's amazing! Hardworking and attentive, its so good to be able to share with someone your trials and tribulations. Without envy or resentment and an ulterior motive. Let's see how this plays out. I'm tired but fulfilled. All the groundwork I set and the wheels that been in motion are going to come to fruition shortly. I'm coming for everything God said He has for me.

Some days are better than others yet each one is a gift. My baby was sent to me by God to help heal the hurt He knew was going to come with Mommy going to be with Him. It wasn't  meant to be easy my road in life. From the moment I entered this world during the Blackout in 1977 it has been an adventure. Shared with family that always has your back. Real friends that you can share your highs and lows with.  When things quiet down this fall I'm going to put JJ into modeling. So many people have suggested it. He just better act right on calls. JJ stands for Jermaine's Journey it's so unique and customized by The Creator. Wouldn't it be amazing if my baby was the face of tolerance and acceptance? Of just ABSOLUTELY being in love with a little boy with the most beautiful smile and warmest hugs. His hugs can heal any HURT. You can quote me on that!


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