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Showing posts from August, 2019

Seasons Change

Yesterday was the final day that Jermaine and his classmate/friend had school with their Michy. We went out to celebrate last night with the kids, the other Mom and Michy's family.  I had been an emotional wreck all week. She's just not his teacher she's his Auntie and my friend. She lives down the block from me and I see her almost every day. To say she loves Jermaine is an understatement. I know that the field she is in is truly her calling. She's not only a kindergarten teacher but clinically trained to work with children on the spectrum. It's so ironic because she was recommended to me by someone that is no longer on our team. ABA Therapy is imperative during Early Intervention. Our first meeting didn't go great either. Exhausted from the barrage of testing that JJ had to endure. Spent because I am only human. I'm a lot of things but a machine I am not. Michelle doesn't pity or feel sorry for anyone. She is a Mother as well and I like to think I ta

Dear Mama....

Today would of been your 68th birthday. I just came home from Auntie's house with JJ. Eboni, Bert and the kids and I went to the beach in Delaware. I sat on the edge of the ocean in the sand in my bathing suit Ginny. I went in the water with no ponytail, gel, braids, just my authentic self.  I let Jermaine sit in the sand by himself. We ate water ices with gummies. We noshed on the barbeque that Auntie and Bert cooked. You loved the BEACH. I remember going to Dan's Supreme and you buying all the cold cuts and the different rolls and Granny bringing bread from the city. I remember EVERYTHING. You loved going food shopping because the white cashiers always used to assume we were paying with food stamps because of the stuff you bought and pressed the button and you pulled the money out and peeled it off with your long nails... You used to say "this is Post Office Money" I say " they won't give the deaf girl any food stamps" We didn't really go to the be

WHAT are WE Becoming?

I’m SORRY but people (including myself) tip-toed around the Late First Lady Bush out of respect and didn’t disparage her that much for the comments she made about displaced minorities being better off relocating after Katrina. Even with Reagan I could care less what he said. Nancy made the PSAs as penance for the shift her husband created when he introduced drugs into this country for profit. These people don’t write books or do speaking engagements yet their coffers are generationally filled and replenished. My Mother used to say “people sell their souls to the devil and he will come for his due.” I am so sad for my country. To witness history and equality even if only, truly for the night that he won was worth ALL the times I have been discriminated against starting with a RACIST Kindergarten teacher!!! Told me “who did I think I was because I could READ! I will NEVER forget Election Night 2008 I was an Reporter that night for the Associated Press the police and the media were a