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Showing posts from October, 2019

Reality Bites

BBW Synopsis: Shaunie was walking around so classy back in the days working with the hoes that was screwing Shaq and EVERYONE was talking about her! As someone who people TALK about I applauded HER however she rides for Evelyn like I ride for Daniele and Kim S.  🤦🏾‍♀️ ALL these YEARS and she wasn’t talking about YOU to Jennifer?😏AND Shaunie LYING about her talking about EV daughter HARD HARD her DOPE ass said some slick shit BUT they ain’t want her to go to Costa Rica because she dresses better them(been there too)  She reminds me of a Manager that fraternities with craft and has preferential treatment tactics towards her friends (here we go YO) I digress VH1 makes you edit a show in the can with a freakin Afterschool special on Colorism??? Maybe(in my Jamie from “A Walk to Remember voice) YOUR services may no longer be required one day.... Sometimes less is more like bring in some fresh blood and retire some of the OGs (pun intended) just give Jackie her own show....

Live on your level yet dream on another

Ever since Tyler Perry  created “Madea” alpha male minority men have been clowning  and ridiculing him. Milton Berle, Flip Wilson, Jamie Fox, Jim Carrey and others have worn a dress a time or two as well. This weekend on a former slave plantation ala “Gone with the Wind” and “Tara” TP put on the celebration of the decade! Nothing is lost to me that Hattie McDaniel being best friends with Clark Gable yet forced to accept her OSCAR like the HELP and still being cast in roles that were not worthy of her caliber. Even though Dianne Carroll didn’t live to unveil her stage her spirit was there and Cecily Tyson spry, steady and STUNNING was a highlight for me.... See when WE were little ALL we had was an occasional teacher, lawyer or JUDGE to name a few in our REAL lives. A person of color who choice their profession because it was a calling and to give BACK....But on television and the silver screen the people who were honored this weekend were the proverbial lanterns on our “Undergrou