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Live on your level yet dream on another

Ever since Tyler Perry  created “Madea” alpha male minority men have been clowning  and ridiculing him. Milton Berle, Flip Wilson, Jamie Fox, Jim Carrey and others have worn a dress a time or two as well.

This weekend on a former slave plantation ala “Gone with the Wind” and “Tara” TP put on the celebration of the decade! Nothing is lost to me that Hattie McDaniel being best friends with Clark Gable yet forced to accept her OSCAR like the HELP and still being cast in roles that were not worthy of her caliber.

Even though Dianne Carroll didn’t live to unveil her stage her spirit was there and Cecily Tyson spry, steady and STUNNING was a highlight for me....

See when WE were little ALL we had was an occasional teacher, lawyer or JUDGE to name a few in our REAL lives. A person of color who choice their profession because it was a calling and to give BACK....But on television and the silver screen the people who were honored this weekend were the proverbial lanterns on our “Underground Railroads” the Movers and Shakers like Whoopi and Oprah MY GOD I remember the NIGHT Mommy and Aunt Audrey went to see “The Color Purple” Aunt Audrey was an Evangelist and she said that when they sang “God is trying to tell you something” the entire theater became as ONE....

Ever since my trip I have been on an aggrandizement mission. I have created daily the blueprint for the upcoming months. I used to always walk around with a planner when I worked for Verizon, I was doing my PTA, and political activities. Not only does it give me purpose but it also makes me feel fulfilled and keeps me organized.

This is my Blog Post but I wanted to share it with y’all. Block out the noise. Don’t worry about who doesn’t help you. That doesn’t matter. Who let you down and won’t help you UP. Tyler Perry said years ago his dream was to meet Oprah. That was as high as he would and could dream. My dream is to THANK TP. For giving me hope. For reaffirming that this life I was given by The Creator was customized just for me! My abilities and my limitations. My joys and my tragedies. I would of NEVER gotten on that plane if I was taking anyone with me.....

My Mama used to often say to ME “look at Tyler Perry Kimberly WRITE” so I have been from pre Dawn until I wake my kids up. When Eboni reminds me daily. When I smile thinking about how the workaholic of all workaholics Helen is enjoying her serenity. When I was in Daniele’s house in her sanctuary amazed that someone so humble could be this BLESSED. And the love she has for me will stand the tests of time. The ride to the airport was our dopest conversation we EVER had and we have had literally thousands over the years! You can’t bottle that shit (sorry Saints) and sell it in these streets. When I realized that the same friends I had at 7 I hope to be here with and know at 77.

And yes you will stumble-my greatest test will be when my dreams are fulfilled and the ones that swore they would always be there for me will attempt to taint it.....I’m READY because I’m PRETTY SURE TP wasn’t worried about a hater this weekend #liveonyourlevelyetdreamonanother


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