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Showing posts from November, 2019

Stop and Smell the Roses

Whitney sang about our children being the future. As a young girl growing up in NYC I experienced a mirage of things. My childhood was filled with the best opportunities and biggest missteps. I have spent my entire life trying to be perfect and falling short every time.... My sons David and Jermaine are a generation apart. Both their Fathers heirs I grew up with David and grew with Jermaine. My sons mean the world to me. Everything I have ever experienced and witnessed led us to today. David and I have been on a journey through the years fraught with ups and downs and highs and lows. We still managed to wait on God and He sent us J.J.  Jermaine is something else. He to me is an old man in a toddlers body. During my pregnancy both my Mother and his paternal Great Grandmother passed away. Two women who when told of his impending arrival smiled so broadly that I KNOW he was delivered to us through them. I attempt to channel their spirit and love for family as I navigate this thing

Sweet November

Now that Thanksgiving is upon us I am reflecting on what I have experienced throughout this decade. As we close this year out we enter a new chapter that will be defined by the acceptances we take and the dreams that we chase. I am going to be brief with my post. I am just touching base and connecting with those that are on my journey with me. Your outlook is EVERYTHING! The perspective you view life is how you are ultimately viewed! I was too negative in my own life. I saw the good in everyone but myself! To paraphrase the late Ana Marquez-Greene a Sandy Hook victim "I was sucking out my fun sockets" I take care of my responsibilities  yet I'm living life! I am constantly evolving and building my brand. But I had to solidify my character first otherwise life would be all a facade. I will not give any energy to nonsense. I don't have that type of time.....I am on a mission in my pursuit of happiness. I just crave honesty. joy and accountability in every area of my