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Unanswered Prayers

Unanswered Prayers

I grew up listening to a lot of country music. All genres really because my Father was a Singer and Musician and well Ginny loved country music. CMT was on the top of the cable guide in NY all DAY and well the television in the kitchen had the front of the building playing all day and my Mother had the guide on in their room while she tried to sleep. Martina McBride, Faith Hill, Trisha Yearwood, and my FAVORITE Garth Brooks! Back before they were stars I discovered them through Mommy. The Dance, The Thunder Rolls, and Unanswered Prayers....

Throughout my life music has been a way for me to express myself. Even my beloved Lizzo because Ebadeb MADE ME FEEL TRUTH HURTS-literally, figuratively and spiritually...Kim's fucking ANTHEM(PLAY IT LOUDER FOR THE BITCHES IN THE BACK).when Daddy died and Mommy was staying here we sang our hearts out-Always and Forever, Native New Yorker, Hello, Private Dancer, Careless Whispers, My Life, and his all time favorite-Street Life.....

When my Mother died and I was pregnant I couldn't of imagined that I would not only survive but thrive! 2020 Kim is so NOT who I used to be.NOT that who I was by in no means a bad person. I was just a perfectionist and people pleaser.  When Toni Morrison my idol, shero and role model transitioned although her impeccable body of work and accolades were of course lauded yet the defining moments in her life were her children, her ability to overcome adversity and her time at Random House.

I went to a Verizon event a few weeks ago. I took Shirelle because thats my best friend and she can HEAR. It was for Kim who I love dearly and her story to her glory on soooo many levels is OUR testimony. I NEVER go anywhere where I don't have to be on point because I ALWAYS HAVE MY BABY AS I SHOULD-well lets just say I had a great time even though besides KIM, Georgina, Dawnie and Shirelle with me in the photo booth AND the photographers ain't nobody post no pictures of ME even though I took a bunch and had on the black dress that me and Auntie have the same one you know the one that my butt sit in like a swing(im hilarious) I digress-Verizon is my Random House apart of my legacy and a closed chapter. I ain't missing nothing.....

Sometimes in our quest for acceptance and love we tolerate things that we shouldn't. We stay too long, yearn for what we know isn't healthy and just give people too much power in our lives. My Mother always taught me to keep a roof over my head with my kids by ANY means, don't overstay my welcome and don't be a FOOL for ANYONE. That goes for family and friends too. Kenya isn't a good friend to Cynthia or anyone on RHOA. I aint giving her a pass because of how she was raised either. She's beautiful on the outside but inside shes wicked.

I had to heal in order to grow. I was disappointed for so long because of some of the people that failed me yet this was His Plan. I am an Autism Mom and that designation is not for the faint of heart. I am not MAD at anyone. I don't ramble on about my lot in life because it ain't gonna change anything. I'm KIM I'm always gonna be alright because My God is a Waymaker and I'm Gwendolyn's Daughter, Audrey's Goddaughter and Ronald's Twin(Moving Right Along)

Kim: "Nana I can't hear you-move your lips more or put the coffee cup down"

Nana:"oh I forgot you can't hear sometimes like my baby on the bus. It's not going to stop anything because your Kim"

If NOTHING else I say resonates with you remember this: have your kids around people that see the BEST IN YOU AND THEM

Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers
Remember when you're talkin' to the man upstairs
And just because he may not answer doesn't mean he don't care
Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered...
Some of God's greatest gifts, are all too often unanswered...
Some of God's greatest gifts, are unanswered prayers-Garth Brooks #thethunderrolls #idonotowntherightstothismusic


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