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Showing posts from October, 2020

Motherhood Challenge

I first saw this picture after your home going services on the Post Office Facebook Page. The comments were so touching and in my grief I cried happy tears because everyone was saying the SAME thing-you kept it so REAL and your advice was spot on.  To say I miss you is an understatement. I just have learned to embrace each day with gusto, purpose and my LISTS(you always told me make a list and buy a planner or journal) To block out the noise and keep moving right ALONG.... I love you Mommy. I am so sorry for anything I ever did that didn’t make you feel as good as you were to me. If you had of coddled me I would of NEVER been able to live the life that God has planned for me! When I feel lost about JJ some days I find solace in you sending me to the other hospital ALONE in the blackout. Uncle Allen said that broke your heart. Y’all together now the cousin/brother that loved your kids even after we were grown. HE KNOWS what he said to me in his last days....I have THREE Fathers-God, Dad

40 Acres and a Mule

 I don’t KNOW who needs to HEAR this but ANYTHING is better than the current administration! Y’all killing me on social media talking about Biden-SHIT he didn’t even want to be President!!! You KNOW how NICE it is to retire to DELAWARE🤦🏾‍♀️does he even have 4 more years left? Does he want to be scrutinized every day of his golden years-life in jeopardy?? Taking over after these mf pillage everything! I KNOW he said what he SAID and did what he DID and voted for what he VOTED for but it was alright with the Obamas so it’s alright with ME🙋🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️ We haven’t seen anything yet! After we VOTE we staying in this MF bunkered down with ALL our needs met....Stephen King wrote a book 11/22/63 years ago and I’m so grateful I read it with my Mother. Y’all got TIME READ it even if it’s just the synopsis on Wikipedia. You can’t change history and you can’t THINK that one horrific act (electing a piece of shit racist) isn’t going to change the course of history!  I love politics! The Bush yea

Caught up in The Rapture

 Good Morning Everyone! I had a great weekend with my family and I am blessed beyond measure as are each of you! I pray that this week finds you happy, healthy and at peace! Sometimes we look so LONG at a CLOSED door that we forget that the beauty is in the journey and each day and experience can lead us to RAPTURE.... I thought the time between Mommy passing and JJ was my epiphany but aht, aht, aht(in JJs voice) this year 2020 has been my muse. I finally had the opportunity to be still and LISTEN to the whispers(in Oprah’s voice) my calling, my creativity can only shine through if I curbed the chaos.  My book is going to be candidly vivid. It will cover an array of topics, include testimonials and interviews and pay homage to the people in my life on Earth and in Heaven that have played pivotal roles in helping me become who I AM TODAY!  I’m so thankful for life and the people taking my journey with me. David and my kids bring me so much JOY it’s a ALOT but to whom much is given much