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Living for the Love of You


One thing about LIFE is that it is just a moment! That’s the unique thing about it the time surely flies! Kids that were born in my twenties are GROWN and as I walk around my neighborhood I see that during this Pandemic an entire new city has emerged....

I used to be so angry and disappointed when people reveal who they truly are. Not any more. It allows me to literally trim the guest list of my life. For almost six years my Mother hasn’t been here to physically guide me or help me navigate through life-she’s the only one I truly miss sitting on my couch yet  I AM doing JUST FINE! 🙏🏾Isolation leads to elevation it truly does. 

When you are melancholy(Nana’s word), morose, miserable, dejected, sad and depressed people distance themselves because it can be TOO much for them. That’s ok! Some even use this as a head start to try to get ahead of you or take all of their resources and sometimes other may even assist. them to attain a semblance of superiority over you. It’s a momentary fix especially when it’s rooted in jealousy and envy. 

When you are inspired, positive, ecstatic, euphoric , content, prosperous and HAPPY people distance themselves because it can be TOO much for them. That’s ok! Some even use this as a time to ostracize  you when you did nothing wrong so they can make you feel as if by shunning or spurning you they are demoting you and placing you in a proverbial corner on time out and punishing you for having audacious dreams (in Ms. Cicely Tyson’s voice) 

Tyler Perry recently posted that a play he wrote after meeting August Wilson 26 years ago is finally finished with a different cast because the actors aged out! His vision has come to reality and that no matter how long the wait it’s never a denial! 

I used to be so disappointed with my LIFE. I am an overachiever and couldn’t believe the circumstances I have had to endure, the negative connections I cannot SHAKE and the audacity of people that I helped time and time again to abandon me in my rare moments of need. It was God’s Plan. 

I am lining my best life! I have purpose and a plan and it will manifest. I am going to have the best Summer of my LIFE and that’s saying ALOT because over the years I have had great moments of joy. I’m taking this journey one day at a time. I love my life and the people in it! The adventures we go on! Their belief in my talents and callings! 

The Spring before My Mother passed away we had a really long talk and six years later it all makes perfect sense. Chevelle had just passed away and I was heartbroken because although I talked to her all the time I never went to see her in Pennsylvania. I never went anywhere. Ginny told me that I had a big heart yet it couldn’t hold all the love I have for people. Take some of that love and love yourself. That I was a great friend and had some great friends and some not so great ones. Trim the fat. 

I really see NOW why through EVERYTHING and ALL the YEARS she still chose my Daddy because he loved her unconditionally until his dying breath and he loved their kids. Some of the things she said were so false and I don’t even think she could of imagined on earth the circumstances but from her throne in Heaven at the table she has prepared for me she sees everything. She sent me my sovereign back AGAIN to change my life AGAIN for the better and make me feel special, loved and spoiled. She put everything into my education even when I gave up in high school and didn’t spend the next twenty five years chastising me about it.  

One thing I have learned is that this day will never come again. That’s why I travel so much now. I could be gone two weeks and not miss a beat. I love my life and the people in it and the adventures I have! I’m thankful for everyone taking my journey with me. The best is yet to come. 


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