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Showing posts from March, 2022

Keeping up with Kim

 I don’t know WHY😝🤦🏾‍♀️🤣🧐but some of y’all WATCH me so CLOSE its SCARY! Y’all know WHO y’all are 👀👀👀y’all got no damn BUSINESS knowing WHAT the heck I’m DOING! 🤣🤣🤣 I’m TRANSPARENT because I have a great disdain for fronting and abhor mediocrity. I have genuine people that are on my journey with me that I can rely on. People that have my back, front and sides and are a phone call away in case of emergency. We damn sure ain’t SHOOK we just got shit to LOSE.  I ALWAYS celebrate my BIRTHDAY BIG because I’m a July baby and never had the opportunity to have celebrations in school. So every year at my family reunion my Parents would celebrate and my Nana would make a BIG deal because I was a “GOOD girl” Even when I felt I wasn’t doing GOOD in life (High School, Baby at 19 with someone incarcerated) she ALWAYS said it will be OK don’t be too HARD on yourself.  I HATED my JOB and my Parents and grandparents KNEW it but it paid the BILLS. It afforded my child a life many coveted yet i

I’m Speaking

 My Children’s GROWTH, conquering my FEAR of FLYING, keeping JJ in a wonderful LEARNING environment, traveling the WORLD and HEALING from being ABANDONED by Damn near everyone I HELPED time and time AGAIN! It was too MUCH ALL the TIME yet it taught me that if I put all that effort into me and mines I could create MAGIC.  Don’t nobody LOVE harder than ME. My FAMILY, FRIENDS etc. I’m not EVER going to apologize for THAT. But I KNOW in order to GROW you have to LET go. My life changed when I rewrote my STORY.  I watched my entire hometown be completely rebuilt throughout the sorrow of The Pandemic. Out of the ashes of despair, uncertainty, class, religion and race division, and YES generational disenfranchisement has emerged a budding metropolis for future generations of New Yorkers.   Above ALL losing my Mother on that bright September day six and a half years ago while pregnant with JJ set me on this trajectory. David’s support and foundation yes helped strengthen my resolve and solidif