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Keeping up with Kim

 I don’t know WHY😝🤦🏾‍♀️🤣🧐but some of y’all WATCH me so CLOSE its SCARY! Y’all know WHO y’all are 👀👀👀y’all got no damn BUSINESS knowing WHAT the heck I’m DOING! 🤣🤣🤣

I’m TRANSPARENT because I have a great disdain for fronting and abhor mediocrity. I have genuine people that are on my journey with me that I can rely on. People that have my back, front and sides and are a phone call away in case of emergency. We damn sure ain’t SHOOK we just got shit to LOSE. 

I ALWAYS celebrate my BIRTHDAY BIG because I’m a July baby and never had the opportunity to have celebrations in school. So every year at my family reunion my Parents would celebrate and my Nana would make a BIG deal because I was a “GOOD girl” Even when I felt I wasn’t doing GOOD in life (High School, Baby at 19 with someone incarcerated) she ALWAYS said it will be OK don’t be too HARD on yourself. 

I HATED my JOB and my Parents and grandparents KNEW it but it paid the BILLS. It afforded my child a life many coveted yet it took a toll and came at a cost. It also taught me skills and business acumen that I have retained and carry over to every aspect of my life. I slayed the DOE because I was the PSC supervisor and I KNOW what I’m DOING😝

I am the descendants of GO GETTERS! Ed Lee and Pretty Jimmy were HUSTLERS. So were Helen and Betty. One worked in the most elite industry ever and the other was an entire industry herself. 

I DIGRESS-my Mother used to always say “they talked about Jesus Christ” “I don’t care who talks about me because they won’t even come to my FUNERAL” and she was RIGHT! 

I don’t KNOW what was said between two sisters in North Carolina, Southeastern Queens or Roslyn, New York but since my Mother took her rest my Aunt Helen has continuously helped me with my sons in ways that are poignant and touching. I love you Auntie and appreciate everything you do. 

Aunt Colette gives me dignity, a role model and just someone to live life a little louder and better dressed than other people! Since my childhood she has always been there-first moment with Nana, walks to CO-OP outside laundry mats with Nana and Mommy ready to FIGHT. The way JJ lights up when he sees her is beautiful because he’s cognizant of the FACT that we about to have FUN. 

Memories don’t LIVE like PEOPLE do and I cannot control how others treat, view or even RESPECT me but I can CHOOSE if you have ACCESS to me. I just wanna continue to MOVE-RIGHT-ALONG. 

I’m going through REAL pain right now yet I mask it with a smile and a fabulous outfit I probably found on SALE which makes it even cuter. Because no matter WHAT I have to still get JJ off the BUS on time. That’s the thing it’s TIME. It waits for no one and it goes by so FAST when you’re running out of it. 

If nothing I say resonates with you Remember: when you look back at your LIFE the moments that made you SMILE will be ALL that MATTERS. I used to be like WHY is my LIFE so HARD🧏🏾‍♀️I now see that it’s WHAT you MAKE of it and WHO you SPEND it WITH☘️


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