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Showing posts from March, 2018

Grandzol Strong

In the day and age we live in, in the current State of Our Union it’s very hard to have empathy for a stranger and human kindness isn’t flowing...September 2017 I was at a point in my life where regardless of how hard I attempted to be a decent human being other people’s choices and ramifications continually and unceremoniously invaded my EVERYTHING. Who would of thought that one news story could have such an affect on not only my family but countless others as well... I’ll never forget I was in the family room at Eboni’s house making sure that J.J. didn’t keep turning the television on and off. The news was on. Delaware and Philly are neighbors like the Ricardo’s and the Mertz’s. That night the only thing I saw was the car and the crime scene. I really wasn’t paying attention my thoughts were elsewhere. My cousins baby shower was coming up and had been switched from Saturday to Sunday to accommodate my new schedule as I am a Godmother and I was disgusted. The next day I believe it

One day at a Time

I’m  going to have to make this quick I have so much to do today. I really am making money moves. I’m solidifying my future. Step by step I have dedicated my time to cultivating my dreams. Greatness has always been in me I just had to come into it on God’s Time. Everything will turn out just the way it was supposed to be. I have many friends from all walks of life. Social media has allowed me to connect on a human level with so many people. Their joys are my joys and when they experience trials I empathize with them. You never know what someone is going through. It pays to be kind. I spend a lot of time with my kids. So when I’m on social media I talk about what my days are like. Some days are better than others. But I give thanks in all I do. I haven’t been blogging as much as I should because I have been busy. I have some health concerns and it has propelled me to make serious lifestyle adjustments. I am on a diet. Working with a Nutritionist, partnered with exercise it’s working

Dear Mama

This is the third Spring my Mother has been gone. She left quietly on a bright Fall morning.I know now she couldn’t stay another day. If I had of been there Jermaine wouldn’t be here now. All of my life my Mother was there for me. Even in death she continues to guide me. She taught me so many things. She used to always put so much pressure on me to always do my best. I resented her for that but now I know WHY she did it. She knew the world was hard and people are cruel and life will be unfair but intelligence and class will always win. I have two children. Born a generation apart  and in the state of the world a lifetime divides them. I love them separately yet equally and above all unconditionally. My oldest is grown and as I guide him through life I often use the wsdom my Mother instilled in me to direct him. His guilt trips and woe is me that he does at times I shake off just like my Mother did to me. My Mother wasn’t a melancholic person. Even if she felt bad she wouldn’t show

If I stay STRONG: Ode to Mary J. Blige

To say I am estatic about the culmination of all the hard work Mary J. Blige has put in over the years that led her to tonight is an understatement. She has literally been the voice of my demographic my entire adult life. Urban, African-American, fashionable,successful women who are unlucky in love. I’m being so REAL right now. I’m forty years old and professionally at my zenith. I’m the Mother of two intelligent, handsome and charming sons born a generation apart. I’ve reinvented myself time and time again. I have perservered and overcome obstacles that would cripple a weaker woman. The last two years have been my greatest tests. I’m deaf-I lost my hearing in my early twenties due to illness. I couldn’t even throw on one of Mary’s(yes Ms. Blige WE take the liberty to call you by your first name) joints and cry, cook and drink this time. I didn’t have to-her REAL life played out for all to see-the greatest EP she could ever release. “Mudbound” by Hilary Jordan was one of the selectio