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Showing posts from July, 2019

Family Ties

Family Ties I just want to take the time to acknowledge everyone in my life that makes it wonderful. I have really been having a great summer full of love, laughter and wonderful moments. I have learned to get out of my own way. To live in the moment. I’ve realized that the behavior of others is just that theirs and their lot in life and has NOTHING to do with me. My children and our happiness is the only thing on my radar. David is GROWN with his own beliefs, opinions and mind. I can guide him but he is free to make his own choices. Jermaine is a child and although not immune by ANY means from the cruelty and malicious things that people and this world may serve up  I’m his Mommy, Advocate and Bodyguard. I try to keep this in mind at all times especially when the “Old Kim” that can make you CRY resurfaces. My children are my Kryptonite and people know that. It must be a very DARK place to exist in when you go THERE. I could to but I like who I see in the mirror everyday. I love

Summer Breeze

In order to live right side up sometimes our world needs to be turned upside down. I'm so thankful for my children. I now KNOW that every twist, turn, up and down moment in my life was because God had a Plan for me. Even my Mother's passing was uniquely timed by The Creator to coincide with my sons birth. The devotion to my pregnancy and the distractions of being a Mother allowed my grief to retreat to the quiet moments like when a Yankee has a milestone. When my favorite actor Michael B. Jordan has the same favorite song as her ( I Wanna Thank You) by Alicia Meyers. Today was an awesome day for Jermaine Jr. Every day with him is an adventure but today was great. This ain't my first time at the rodeo. Raising a Black son in America isn't an easy feat. In the Metropolis I live in it is difficult at times to navigate through it all. I crave the suburban life yet know that my heart lies in Gotham City. So I have to make moves to achieve both. I am my harshest critic. I s

Chapter 42

Last week was my birthday. I am thankful that God allowed me to see another year. I have been under tremendous stress with Jermaine Jr. trying to find an ideal setting for him. He starts Preschool in the Fall and honestly I went from being a bundle of nerves to becoming at peace because I know in order for my baby to thrive he must venture out in order to succeed. David is DAVID always sliding through home base at the bottom of the Ninth to win the game. Just like my Mother prophesized. He needs to be HIM unapologetically and own his own terms. I admire how he lives his life, his devotion to his little brother. His comradery with his friends. His zest for exploration. At 22 I had a child, a career, an apartment and BILLS. I never left my hometown. Not run out, forced out or driven out. Just NEVER left. One of my Best friends father passed away recently. To say I am saddened is an understatement. He lived a long life. I just worry about her. I know that grief can topple an already o