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Showing posts from November, 2020

One Day at a Time

Thanksgiving is a time of remembrance for me because my parents met tonight oh so many years ago. My Father picked my Mother up in his cab on her way to work. Their relationship is and was one of the blueprints of my life.  My Mother was the most INDEPENDENT person I KNEW. She came from a lineage that was literally built on fortitude. She was so much to do many yet she was my MOTHER. a life isn’t measured in years but in moments. We are still creating them TOGETHER Ginny. I still wish we would of had more time.... My Father ruined me for everyone but David. David is the love of my LIFE. My Father told me THAT. He loved me so much and was so MAD everyone assumed Mommy taught me everything 🤣🤣🤣🤣He taught me a lot of things yet the defining moment of our life is just how much I miss you TWIN. Everywhere we went they said “Is that your FATHER?” Duh Bitch-🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m thankful for my Sons and Baba. For my family and friends who “GET me” For the unit we have created during the most tumult

Gender Reveal

 WCW 5 years s ago TODAY I was pregnant with JJ at the doctor finding out he was a boy. My Mother had just died and every day just getting out the bed was a blessing. I am not going to let my fear of the unknown STOP me from living my BEST life because God showed me the WORST so He could empower me to NEVER go there AGAIN!  I am a GREAT Mother! I always have been not for social media or for the STREETS but real LIFE! If I had 10 I would be a even better one because the other 9 would help me with the LAST one( I’m Betty Baisley’s Granddaughter don’t EVER get it twisted) I’m also Helen Jenkins granddaughter and you can love two children separately yet equally and they turn out how they turn out!  I made mistakes with David but he’s GROWN I gave that child EVERYTHING I could , showed him hard work by staying committed to my career that shit was torture! I didn’t  want to be a statistic not realizing I’m a STAR! You can have four degrees (ala Wendy from RHOP) and STILL end up where you end

Thank You

Good Morning Everyone! I had a GREAT day yesterday! EVERYTHING is coming together in my life and I am inspired, humbled and grateful. Mommy used to say “You want to hear a funny joke-? Tell GOD your PLANS” I love my children and the family I have created yet I HAD to carve out a niche for MYSELF! Something uniquely designed for KiM! I’m not dwelling any longer on what WAS, IS or even what is to COME! I’m blessed with the knowledge and skills I have obtained and honed throughout my life. I’m now applying them in different aspects starting with SELF care.  A year ago my life was on a trajectory that was going to lead me to today. I didn’t realize and truly understand that the lessons were in the journey. I’m not even talking about my relationships with my children or partner but my approach to life. I’m a GiVER. It fills me with JOY to help others! It does! My Mother was like this. She ALWAYS was. I loved that about her because I would watch her be rewarded for her genuine, unwavering no


  I love my friends that don’t mind that I always have JJ. They always invite me with him knowing it’s HARD. I’m not trying to be morose it’s just not easy finding a “SITTER” I also don’t be wanting to be screaming through y’all events “come here JJ, don’t touch that JJ” If I ask to bring somebody it’s only for help.  Shaquanna love him and help me on her days off (and when she comes home from work some nights no questions asked) Shirelle and Kristen stay inviting me somewhere with him. If I turn down an invitation chances are I had NO BABYSITTER I love y’all so much.  What you see on the outside or hear from a HATER don’t be the fucking truth! I’m held up to the HIGHEST standards me and my FOUR senses! I go through the same SHIT everyone else go through I just never with GOD’s Grace sat on a curb but this bitch has sat in the DARK!   I’m happy though! I KNOW who I am and have found my purpose! I SEE how people ARE and I’m FINE with that just KEEP that same ENERGY’ A few years from now