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Showing posts from January, 2022

Through the Fire

I have been going through some things recently as I’m SURE we ALL have. At my former employer, the union motto was “In unity there’s strength! That’s not always TRUE and it’s not always a negative thing to stand or walk alone.  I’m not going to allow ANYONE to make me feel inadequate or that my feelings don’t matter or are not valid! I’m not SORRY I’m GREAT at MANY things. I’m not SORRY that The Creator TIME and TIME again has made a way for ME! This is His PLAN and not mine..... My Mother used to say “if wishes were horses beggars would ride” During this time in HISTORY where uncertainty, sickness, strife and chaos linger in the air like a fog at sunrise I KNOW who I AM! I know how long it has taken me to get here and how far I have come. I didn’t WISH for it I WORKED for it!  My son Jermaine Jr. is my BABY! He is one of  the most intelligent, handsome and dapper young  men I have ever encountered. To KNOW him is to LOVE and ADORE my CHILD! He is the personification of bliss. He is so

The Empire State

Eric Adams KNEW he was going to be Mayor LONG before he was elected. There are serious problems that have plagued the DOE for DECADES. Remote learning is inconvenient yes but it’s the safest route. It should be done TODAY. Until the end of the month. The mental health of the teachers is tantamount.  During 2020 we didn’t have any service providers come to my home to assist Jermaine. The most crucial years for children born on the spectrum. After early intervention Pre-K is viral to Autistic children. This time is different. If you close the schools for a definitive amount of time and provide support services to students and parents. And PPE including at home kits. Remote social service availability. More testing sites in highly populated areas.  EVERYTHING is about MONEY. The United States is still one of the richest countries in the world. We GOT it. The government is so corrupt and controlled so we are always at a stalemate about necessary stuff. We would love being home safe for a w

The Blueprint

I became hearing impaired the Spring before September 11. I was working at the phone company and had just gotten a promotion from directory assistance operator to a representative which would morph over time into a sales consultant. It was a harrowing experience being Deaf and working in telecommunications yet I wouldn’t trade it for ANYTHING because it gave my son a childhood people STILL covet and prepared me for ANYTHING.  This picture right here is when JJ was a baby. Newly Motherless and SINGLE I took this picture because Aunt Colette A beautiful, independent and STRONG Woman and Mother. Gwendolyn’s Daughter.  I’m not who I USED to be! I am comfortable in my own skin and I KNOW and OWN who I am. I am an Intelligent woman of color who has defied odds, broken down barriers and been the voice for the voiceless. I strive to be a leader by example and bridge the divide. My community is going through a gentrifying revitalization and I am documenting and experiencing it.  I don’t know WH

New Year Better Me

You can lead a horse to water but you cannot force them to drink. My Father used to say this all the time! Self care is imperative to longevity, health and prosperity. I cannot worry about anything more than myself including my children. I can’t and I AIN’T(I meant to write that) When I was in elementary school my teachers used to teach me new words every day especially Ms. Goldstein and Ms. Bell. Ms. Bell was suppose to “carry me” Ms. Goldstein went on sabbatical but came back early because we weren’t staying up to par. My classsmates and childhood friends are so brilliant! I remember everything and I still LIVE here! I learned how to read at 4 years old because I talked LATE so I was non verbal but understood  everything like JJ so Granny gave me Mommy and Auntie’s high school math book to READ! It was orange and after the first thing I said EVER “Mommy I don’t want any oatmeal” I started reading the MF BOOK y’all! (Fred loves this STORY)  I am deaf but worked at the phone company. I