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The Empire State

Eric Adams KNEW he was going to be Mayor LONG before he was elected. There are serious problems that have plagued the DOE for DECADES. Remote learning is inconvenient yes but it’s the safest route. It should be done TODAY. Until the end of the month. The mental health of the teachers is tantamount. 

During 2020 we didn’t have any service providers come to my home to assist Jermaine. The most crucial years for children born on the spectrum. After early intervention Pre-K is viral to Autistic children. This time is different. If you close the schools for a definitive amount of time and provide support services to students and parents. And PPE including at home kits. Remote social service availability. More testing sites in highly populated areas. 

EVERYTHING is about MONEY. The United States is still one of the richest countries in the world. We GOT it. The government is so corrupt and controlled so we are always at a stalemate about necessary stuff. We would love being home safe for a while  if y’all gave everyone support. 

Nobody said Governor Cuomo was innocent. No one said he was above the law. Yet he should of just  stayed until the end of his term. He knows what he is doing. He knows how to get money from Washington. This state needs money from Washington. He’s just first and foremost a Narcissistic. He was doomed to fail. He is not infallible. I remember he got BIG mad because First Lady McCray had some African American statues erected. So then he spent like 250k on some Italian Saint or something. All this fanfare. That’s not just an abuse of power and petty-that’s racist. I ain’t FORGOT. He’s an excellent politician though I met him during Hurricane Sandy he was right on my block. For a minute too. I respected that and we had a great conversation. 

Letitia James should be Governor or President because she and Jumanne Williams in my opinion are the face of Democracy in NY right now. If she did anything wrong EVER we would KNOW.  They understood the ASSIGNMENT! Kathy Hochul better NOT let them make her the scapegoat for their asses in Washington. As long as she don’t hate because she’s just a place filler. That was Jumanne’s job. Work on that ERAP portal and redistribute the money not claimed to the people waiting and make sure the affordable housing and apartment lottery system isn’t flawed or corrupt. Not being computer literate should not hinder you from utilizing  the services this state offers. 

Andrew Cuomo would still be Governor if Jumanne was his lieutenant. He ain’t want THAT. (I wrote it like that on purpose) Scott Stringer and Charles Schumer as well. To corny for some because they DO their job! They understood the ASSIGNMENT! There are a host of others. Anthony Weiner is a flawed human being and husband but he’s an excellent politician. I added the husband part because his wife donated money to David’s school years ago on behalf of Hilary Clinton because I asked her too. We talked about his ass because he would correspond with me. He enacted anything I asked him to do for people in his district. So hands on (no pun intended)He honored and served his constituents. He knows I love politics. I’m just NOT fucking with it in NY at ALL. Philanthropy will be my dedication to service. Non profits, schools, scholarships and startup funding. I want to be so affluent that if I believe in YOU I can help you. These politicians have the capability and means to make a difference! We ALL watched “Don’t look UP”

I really like Bill Deblasio. I know he is so happy this shit is over 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣he was so nice to me like he’s cool peoples. It’s the black wife. So sad. I was the black partner. Imagine being on blast ALL the time. Even Tamron talked about it. It’s always the other way around. We went out to eat one day and I was eating Big David’s food off his plate because he’s skinny lmaoo. This lady was so mad in this diner y’all. I was 17. It was NY over there by the airport where McDonalds is now. Off of Rockaway boulevard. EVERYTHING he did sparred with the person who had to resign. Andy Cohen should mind the business that pays him. Donate some money to people of color who you make a living on degrading. 

Stay Safe and happy. We ALL we GOT NY

Instagram: @kimhermajesty

TikTok: queenkimhermajesty



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