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Showing posts from November, 2022

A Tribute to Salvatore F. Aloe

 January 2, 2007 was not an ordinary day in my life. I was already scheduled to work only half a day because I had to take my son to a doctors appointment because he was being admitted to the hospital to see where his seizures that had suddenly come about were originating from.  Sal was my Manager but he also was my tub mate and friend. He listened to my stories, NEVER once fronted on me or used anything about ME to get ahead at work. He taught me to work SMARTER and not HARDER. He would answer my phone for me if my Father called too many times in a row and take messages so they KNEW each other. Right before I left that day he said he wanted to talk to me and told me don’t worry about David he would be ok and I said to Sal “he makes me sooo sick but I love him” as I sent Daddy to voicemail. He said “he’s your father” (y’all HEAR him RIGHT) I DID too.  My Father died that night.  When I came back to work weeks later and still too soon Sal grabbed me up and rubbed my shoulders and as I s

Street Life

 I SMILE because my CHILD who I put EVERYTHING into EVERYDAY is THRIVING! Early Intervention, ABA Services, Pre K, Kindergarten most through Quarantine and COVID. I DID that. I SMILE because being an African-American Woman with a disability has NEVER stopped me from living an idyllic life that was designed by The Creator.  The Battles I FIGHT daily aren’t even mine they are The Lord’s. The life for my child that many COVET I struggle at times but I make strides.  I want to personally THANK all the people that have helped me through the years to get to where we need to go. I may COMPLAIN at times because it’s HARD doing EVERYTHING but I rejoice because it has made me a stronger, better human being.  I often feel conflicted because I live my life RIGHT and am an honorable, kind person but when you PLAY with ME especially when I am going through my own HEALTH crisis I take UMBRAGE to THAT. I don’t BOTHER anyone. I stay out the WAY. I LIKE my LIFE. I CREATED it! I cultivated it and I LIVE

Cherish the Day

 I fell asleep with JJ at 7:57🤣🤣🤣🤣 so I’m up now S/N: To my beautiful and loving Mother I’m sorry I was a NERD and had mad homework 🤣🤣🤣JJ has so much homework he be LIKE (insets groans and slow, dramatic fall to the ground)I’m SERIOUS when the homework pack come out. She gives them a WEEK I LOVE a teacher who TEACHES. Jermaine has had wonderful Teachers. His speech therapist only accepts full sentences from him now. His report card was amazing. All G’s and S’s. In everything he is present and thriving. He excels in Social Studies and Math. I love the way his mind connects life. He is blessed and highly favored.  The Thanksgiving Art contest is coming and I have to help him I’m a let him ROCK. It’s amazing how far  being present and focused can lead you. I’m so proud of my child. And myself. We have come so far. 

True Colors

 Sitting here reflecting how FAR my Baby has COME. His speech teacher said she is only accepting FULL sentences from him NOW....💙I appreciate everyone that calls JJ to have conversations with him, invites him to Events. Celebrates his milestones with US. I strive to be a leader by example and to bridge the divide. To be the voice for the voiceless. That’s been my mission statement since I was in my 20’s.  By NO means PERFECT I just TRY to live my LIFE right. To keep a roof over our heads, my child fed and clothes on our back. Since I’ve became a MOTHER at 19. To make sure I’m HEALTHY and HERE to raise my SON.  One of the other Moms in my support group says she constantly worries by jumping ahead to her sons adulthood and will she be around for him and what type of life will he have? I just try to get through each DAY with my Faith outweighing my FEARS.  Being burnt out and tired is a Moms plight period but special needs parents often lack the support and RESPECT that comes ALONG with