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Street Life

 I SMILE because my CHILD who I put EVERYTHING into EVERYDAY is THRIVING! Early Intervention, ABA Services, Pre K, Kindergarten most through Quarantine and COVID. I DID that. I SMILE because being an African-American Woman with a disability has NEVER stopped me from living an idyllic life that was designed by The Creator. 

The Battles I FIGHT daily aren’t even mine they are The Lord’s. The life for my child that many COVET I struggle at times but I make strides. 

I want to personally THANK all the people that have helped me through the years to get to where we need to go. I may COMPLAIN at times because it’s HARD doing EVERYTHING but I rejoice because it has made me a stronger, better human being. 

I often feel conflicted because I live my life RIGHT and am an honorable, kind person but when you PLAY with ME especially when I am going through my own HEALTH crisis I take UMBRAGE to THAT. I don’t BOTHER anyone. I stay out the WAY. I LIKE my LIFE. I CREATED it! I cultivated it and I LIVE it. I’m not jealous of anyone or what they have I’m blessed and highly favored. My Executive Board asked me why did I get so dolled up for our meeting with our Superior and my response was “If you STAY ready you don’t ever have to get READY.” 

I digress-so much is going on in my LIFE yet through it ALL I SMILE because I’m not in ROOMS I don’t belong in. I really used to be around people that don’t like THEMSELVES let alone ME. 

Ain’t nobody got TIME for THAT. 

I’m STREET too don’t let this Bookworm Beauty FOOL you so watch how you CROSS me. #MotttoCentral #Kimhermajesty #whatsonmyMIND


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