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True Colors

 Sitting here reflecting how FAR my Baby has COME. His speech teacher said she is only accepting FULL sentences from him NOW....💙I appreciate everyone that calls JJ to have conversations with him, invites him to Events. Celebrates his milestones with US.

I strive to be a leader by example and to bridge the divide. To be the voice for the voiceless. That’s been my mission statement since I was in my 20’s. 

By NO means PERFECT I just TRY to live my LIFE right. To keep a roof over our heads, my child fed and clothes on our back. Since I’ve became a MOTHER at 19. To make sure I’m HEALTHY and HERE to raise my SON. 

One of the other Moms in my support group says she constantly worries by jumping ahead to her sons adulthood and will she be around for him and what type of life will he have? I just try to get through each DAY with my Faith outweighing my FEARS. 

Being burnt out and tired is a Moms plight period but special needs parents often lack the support and RESPECT that comes ALONG with taking care of a CHILD on the spectrum. No inhibitions and fear is something else and as a handicapped person and a woman of color being an Autism Mom is daunting. To whom much is given much is required. 

JJ’s former teachers always respected and admired me but they had realistic expectations. JJ has surpassed all of their goals. I’m BRILLIANT! Mommy used to always tell me to say “without being a braggart-I’m brilliant” When she died my cousin TJ told me to drop the first part and just lead with the brilliance and SHINE” That’s what I DO every day SHINE no matter WHAT! I cleared the chaos and clutter, dropped anything that doesn’t serve a purpose or isn’t beneficial to my greater good. 

I just HOPE that my baby KNOWS how much I LOVE him. How HARD I WORK to get this RIGHT. Hearing tests, diagnostic testing, Early Intervention, ABA therapy, 2 years of PreK, Kindergarten and now 1st GRADE(on TIME) 

I have some health issues that have forced me to be STILL and KNOW that He is God. People TRY to kick you when you are DOWN but My GOD is a wonderful and merciful Savior. HE REMOVED EVERYTHING THAT isn’t for MY GREATER good. 

I LiKE my LIFE. I CHERISH it. My GROWTH. My creativity. My innate ability to TELL a STORY. My resilience and undiminished spirit. When I graduated from 5th Grade after winning the citywide writing contest  my Mother proclaimed that I should write a book. Aside from the “Last Christmas” it was one of the final events where ALL four of my Grandparents were living. They came to EVERYTHING, spelling bees, plays, storytelling contests. The IRONY my Nana a BUS Matron for special needs children in Far Rockaway ALL those YEARS. 

To honor the people that loved me unconditionally and wholeheartedly I am finally writing my book. With Jermaine as the illustrator. I NEVER wanted to exploit JJs diagnosis yet sooo many people from around the world find strength in my resolve to be EVERYTHING for JJ. 

I want to move to Los Angeles and work in the Film Industry. I want to have a base on the East Coast (my Venue) yet I want to broaden my horizons and see what is OUT there. I stopped smelling the Atlantic Ocean down the block from me because I had been here to LONG. 

We used to watch Sex and the City and Mommy would be like “that could be YOU” when Carrie hit a milestone. Whenever Tyler Perry did something monumental Mommy would be like “If Tyler can constantly create so can you” 

Natashia Deon is a prolific writer and human being. It took her a lifetime to publish her work as well. She’s a Wife, Mother, Attorney, Advocate. She’s amazing and reading her work you can see the characters. She said she would write my forward for me. Just WRITE my BOOK! I HEAR you Shero. 

I want someone sitting somewhere waiting for test results, diagnosis or just going through life’s SHIT to be completely distracted and entranced by my storytelling and JJ’s illustrations. To feel Baisley Blvd in the late 70’s and 80’s. Oh what a TIME to be ALIVE. To cement in History the area in Southeastern Queens that is my home that may no longer exist any longer but made me who I am and that is why I have remained. I LOVE it HERE. 

I’m moving to Cali tho. 

There’s ALWAYS been a song inside of my SOUL (in Mandy Moore’s voice) yet I couldn’t SING it until JJ learned the words. 



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