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Road to Redemption

It's now August. Summer is in full swing and in some parts of the country school has already begun or is about to. Lebron James recently unveiled his education facility in his hometown complete with amenities and perks parallel to no other. The significance of his commitment hasn't been lost on anyone. Hopefully this will be a catalyst amongst successful people of color to revitalize their communities through philanthropy.

In my own personal life I'm remaining committed to rearing my baby as well as carving out a niche for myself. My days are filled with Jermaine's well being. The strides he has made daily warm my heart and reinforce my beliefs that God is a Healer. I am sharing this with you because I want anyone that may be going through something that isn't idyllic to know that you aren't alone. My baby is one of the two loves of my life. I raised my oldest with the assistance of people who now from above continue to supervise me with celestial guidance.

I am so thankful for the people that are taking this journey with me. Too many to name, they go above and beyond their professional responsibilities to insure that not only is my child thriving but he has a great quality of life. As a disabled person who lost the majority of my hearing in adulthood, I still was able to remain gainfully employed and provide for David. I just want as Jermaine's Mother and advocate the same for my child. I find that people glorify their successes and neglect to detail the hurdles.

I have always known since my youth that my words would one day reach others. Long before social media and the internet my Mother told me to write a book. I achieved a perfect score on the NYC 5th grade Writing Test so we are talking circa 1988. Papa was still alive. It was of course about my family focusing primarily on Nana and her ability to not only survive anything but to persevere. She said I never listened to her. When a national publication asked me years ago to tell my story about a relationship that was cemented in convenience and insincerity my Mother told me to decline. I'm so glad I did! It would of been attributed to me forever and although I carry the lessons proudly along with the growth-sometimes you have to trust what God blocks.

As I type my baby is keeping himself busy playing on his play telephone. Structure is vital to successful raising children. I'm by no means perfect but I crave knowledge and enlightenment. This chapter in my life is such a blessing to me. I don't have all the answers nor do I want to. It's so funny. ALL my life I have been put on the spot to spell words, give definitions. KNOW the answer-fix everything. Imperfectly perfect I'm FUN again.  I just want my sons to be alright, remain healthy and enjoy life.

I KNOW I have written about this before but Tyler Perry is such an inspiration to me. Just like I LOVE LL Cool J, Chris Rock, Nicholas Sparks, Brian McKnight, Lisa Nichols to name a few and met them in my lifetime I would love to tell him how he has positively impacted my life. I tell a lot of jokes and say my life is like a Tyler Perry movie. Years ago I was at a low point in my life. I was coming from somewhere negative and bought a magazine. This was before the movie studios, the OWN deal it might of been even before "House of Payne". He was living somewhere that he's more than likely outgrown now but at the time it was phenomenal to me.  It still is. The accompanying article detailed in his words how he almost gave up. He worked in a similar field as I and was about to return because it was stable and he was struggling trying to make "Madea" a success. He was in his dressing room the last night that he had the theater he was broke. He asked God to show him a sign that all his dedication and work was for a purpose. He was getting ready and he looked out the window and the line was around the corner for the show. The rest is history.

Get out of your own way. Let go of the disappointment. I'm KIM a noun in a world full of adjectives-I AM-always have been. Confident, intelligent, beautiful, overachiever, I give my ALL in everything I do. Everyone ain't built like that. It's so disappointing. After awhile I had to learn to lean on my faith and go back to my spiritual roots. My late Godmother Audrey Davis was an Evangelist. All of my life she said I was anointed. I KNOW The Word. Favor ain't fair. To whom much is given much is required. And see the blessing in every situation. I thank God all the time He let me be the right woman for the wrong man more than once in my life. Virtuous more precious than rubies. That enlightenment in itself is the first step on the road to redemption.


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