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Reality Bites:The Ryan Henry Review

As a Writer I gravitate towards reality television for not only entertainment but to be kept abreast with current affairs. Each show has a breakout star each season. For every Cardi B and Tami Roman (LHHNY & Real World/BBWLA)who kept it REAL real- there's always someone who as soon as the camera's start rolling they morph into someone who WE even know they're not. Then you have Black Ink: Chicago.

The only way MOST of us are EVER going to go to Chicago is to meet with President Obama, Oprah Winfrey or to get a tattoo from the OLD 9 Mag. Dangerous is being kind about the state of Chicago right now. No disrespect. I'm from a "BIG, rich town" and I just come from the poorest part where Stack Bundles and Chinx amongst many other talented people lived, loved and were lost. (50 don't start with me please if this go viral Nana's from Baisley and I went to Martin with Sakeen I do not own the rights to these lyrics lol)

I digress Chi-Town ain't no joke. And watching Ryan Henry drive through in that jeep each week fearless and focused defines to these urban eyes a man on fire. From the first episode you are drawn to his smoldering good looks, calm, confident demeanor and sparkling smile. But behind those dazzling eyes lies a dark place, a quiet room where he will occasionally give us a glimpse into after the initial onslaught of the horrific events is told to you in detail as his twists his hands.

He is a champion for the plight of the Domestic Abuse victim. He is the torch carrier in honoring the memories of his beautiful Sister Nova and angelic niece Ava. If you aren't aware of that part of his story a short Google search will get you quickly up to date. This post is dedicated to spotlighting the positivity of many people's MCM. It hurts my heart that anyone should have to feel this much pain yet he has turned into purpose by raising awareness.

By no means perfect we have had front row seats to his life through his ups and downs. The one thing I love about this show as a whole is that EVERY person has a starring role. Don and Phor and their Brotherly love. Charmaine is going to be a STAR and if it comes fast and hard like it's shining on Phor and Ryan right now I KNOW she would want the support of her friends. Van or Cobra can solidify that they will ALWAYS have a spot where a booth is available. His clothing line and her tenacity are positive attributes and I want that spotlighted. We ALL here to cash out look at  Kandi, Safari, and Cardi B to name a few. I just wish they would reconcile just for the sake of the bag. Cordial at least. I don't play with cops though...All the "other" shows do grimey shit too yet reunite for those reunions and endorsement promos. I'm writing this before the episode filmed in Jamaica airs. Who know's what tomorrow'll bring....(yes I spelled it like that on purpose)

NOW back to Ryan. I'm not giving him a pass by any means but hurt people hurt people. I'm not in his relationships but I do feel like he's trying to make amends. I'm not talking about just the verbal affirmations of loyalty. I'm not only talking about other than our birthdays the only day that matters buying something that the Mother of your children wants. Then to publicly present it to her can bridge some of the divide. Loyalty is everything to me. Fame, money and looks can and will fade. Fidelity is free. In his defense when you suffer such a catastrophic pain you may tend to push people away. You sabotage positive things because of your inability to embrace joy and happiness. I'm no Dr. Phil. I'm just someone who has suffered great loss, lives the life of Reilly and been betrayed to the core almost simultaneously.  It takes a toll on you and affects all of your interactions. Public opinion thrown in regardless of the scale leads to chaos. I can only imagine Blog and Paparazzi stories. I've seen posts questioning my character and integrity with commentary from strangers that don't even KNOW ME and it's sad but to whom much is given much is required. Sometimes you do have to clean house in order to truly change. I tend to think and this is just my opinion his love for his children is the most attractive thing Rachel sees in him. She also is beautiful, strong and confident in her own right. I sincerely hope they make it.

Years ago when I was old enough to understand it yet too young to see the lesson in it as I am now my Late, Great, Mother told me a story. It's about Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee. Years ago Ossie was a performer on the "Chittlin Circuit" Ruby was home with the kids. As the years went on there was a lot of hoopla about them having an open marriage. Mommy said that's not what happened. Ossie was "doing him" you know like that scene in "The Temptations" and when he came home one time she was keeping company with a "KEEPER" It shook him to the core and made him realize what and who he had. They abolished that arrangement and they are eternal interred in the same urn with the inscription "In this thing together". "We ain't get no younger....."Stay tuned because Ryan Henry is just getting started.


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