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The Sweetest Days

This week has been amazing! I came home Sunday refreshed and relaxed after spending time with my Tribe. It flew by and was so productive. Jermaine Jr. is thriving and he's so precious! He wants me to be proud of him and I am! He's so smart and our journey is amazing. I am by no means being melodramatic. Last Sunday, my cousin Ebonisharear before she dropped me off suggested I write about my ability to overcome adversity. Always beating the proverbial odds. Jermaine's journey being my greatest test. Trazier who is taking this journey with me as well posted months ago about an E-book being a lucrative income producer and I can bust them out with no problem. I have been hesitant to go into detail about my baby because people are so cruel. I've had people say I wasn't teaching him anything and that I'm the reason he is speech delayed. Autism affects one in sixty eight children. More often boys than girls. Older parents and parents who have children two years apart or less are a higher percentage for this,

Testing is done around the two year old mark. First of course your hearing must be checked. My child was mocked about that as well in utero.Everything was fine on that end as well. Because of the intricate process of getting a diagnosis your life is turned upside down with consultations, evaluations, assessments, doctors appointments, phone calls and paperwork. I don't care if I live a hundred and eighty-eight years I will NEVER forget all the work my Aunt Helen has put in fresh off of retirement to ensure that my child and I are respected.  She saw to it that Jermaine receives the services that he needs AND it was expedited. My David, Kayla, Brigette, Ashleigh Dream Team make sure that we reinforce everything that he is taught. Kayla said the other day " Auntie I know its ALOT for yall but its WORKING" She's ten years old. Eboni, Jamie, Bert, Dorinda, Shirelle, Jackie and Melissa Deblasio are just a video chat and text away and are my lifelines, confidants and FAMILY.

This process is helmed by Mr. E who partnered with Auntie Helen has comprised a therapy plan that has my baby thriving. He was evaluated in my home by a Dr. who spent three hours with my child and changed my life. We need as a species to LISTEN to our Elders. That's one of the things wrong with this world. Everything that Dr. Levine said was true. Early intervention is vital. Behavior motivation as well. Dr. Levine is a father of seven children. Yes Jermaine gets frustrated when he can't express himself but he's also spoiled. Jermaine displays emotions VERY well. He smiles, cries, pouts, stews and that in itself from a clinical perspective is encouraging. Give it sixty days Kimberly. No Mother of a child that was sent to you when your Mother died and that you love more than you love yourself wants to hear that!!! That is the only salvageable gem out of a period of your life that you wish to expunge. You want everything to be okay. It is okay.

I was so stressed out when I was pregnant with JJ. I had minimal support-everyone was worried about THEMSELVES, Mommy DIED and I wasn't there-and that took a toll on me. But I took care of myself-I did everything I could to create a great environment for my baby. I feel like sometimes if my Mother and grandparents were still here this would be so much easier. Nana had the best ability to make sense out of chaos. Nothing can be done to predict this all we can do is take it from here.

Fast forward to August 2018. Jermaine is talking! Baby steps (you know Helen don't cry but she was)He has a teacher, a speech therapist and an occupational therapist. My life has been turned upside down and I'm now living right side up. Yes this is their field of study and career yet once again God has matched me to people that I one day will thank in print and Jermaine will thank as well. They love him and want what's best for him. Everyone that comes in contact with Jermaine loves him. He is the sweetest boy. I'm sharing this with you because I want everyone to know that what you go through you grow through. I am very transparent because I want others to KNOW that what you THINK is meant to BREAK you is actually given to you to build you back up better than EVER!!

 My home is filled with LOVE. We don't argue in here like that anymore, we are aware of each others feelings. My relationship with my oldest child has improved tenfold. He said to me the other day when someone did some slick mess and I didn't react "Mama you have the best life, you know EXACTLY who people are and accept it that's why you always make a way" I don't GOD does! He sees me-He knew the plans He has for me. I swear to ya'll Aunt Audrey and Ms. Goldstein planted this oratory eloquence inside of me. Aunt Audrey LOVED when I realized what The Word meant! Ms. Goldstein loved to hear me READ. She would pat me on the back to slow me down...draw out the words Kimberly, Mrs. Kaplan too...I'm a teach my baby to read like THIS WATCH ME!

Another piece of my puzzle is Linda. A world renown Physical Therapist she's so humble and loving it's sickening sometimes. Matched to me by my Shero/ PCP Dr. Jacob this svelte Kim is ALL her doing. She has taught me so much about diet, exercise and LIFE. Her Mother has been gone thirty years and she's been living each day for her without dwelling on it. A single mother of teenage twins she has given me so many pep talks about an array of issues. We spend a lot of time together, my kids love her and so do I. She holds me down and is Jermaine's advocate and surrogate Grandmother.

I'm not mad. I do feel overwhelmed some days but then I think about my life and where I've been and where I'm headed. I spent my son's entire childhood living for others and working. I'm living for MYSELF and my KIDS! If nothing I say resonates with you Remember: Trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


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