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Showing posts from December, 2017

The Year In Review

As the final hours of 2017 dwindle down I am taking a moment to look back on EVERYTHING that transpired. Memorial Day weekend 2017 was a catalyst in my life. God knows my heart and He had a plan for me all along. It's ok to bend but NEVER break. Everything we go through good or bad is for a purpose. Trust the process and keep moving forward. I am so excited about the New Year. I have plans, I am focused and I refuse to be discouraged! Don't let anyone take you out of your character. I KNOW it's HARD believe me I'm a heartless bitch. We spend so much of our lives worrying about things. Some days are better than others but I am happy. I was rusty for a minute, confined to my role as a stay-at-home Mom but Stella has definitely gotten her groove back. I updated my home and I love the space we live in. I wanted to make it chic, yet child-friendly so I can entertain other Mothers like myself who with the inclement weather find it hard at times to socialize. The home impr

Trust What God Blocks

I am a procrastinator. I wait to the last minute for everything. I always used to be late all the time. When you have a toddler you have to be ready and aware at a moments notice for everything. It rearranges your priorities. I'm always on time now. I have my lists and my coupons and I just learned how to slow down. All of my life I have loved The Lord. By know means an Angel-I sin daily yet I have always leaned on my faith. My Mother used to always say "you wanna hear a joke tell God your plans". Now throughout my life, my trials and tribulations I never in a million years would think I would have another child. As David aged I began to see being a grandmother far down the road. Maybe then I would have my own little girl. Eboni and Bert honored me when they selected me to be Angelica Baisley's Godmother. That void of pinks and purples has now been filled. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Jermaine is my blessing. As the year winds down I look

It's a Wonderful Life

My week started out amazing. I was going to see my Goddaughter Angelica Baisley in Delaware. I synchronized my Christmas wish list with my reality. I was going to get my hair braided. I was going to go to a movie theatre with captioning with Mo and dinner without my kids for once. I then came down with strep throat. When you are hearing impaired you feel everything more acutely. To say I was not feeling well was an understatement. I did everything-tea, gargling with salt water, rest and finally I knew before the doctor confirmed it that this was bad. Besides some contraction worthy cramps now and then this is like the second time I have been sick since Jermaine was born. I'm thankful for my baby's patience and understanding. The show must go on.  Mommy can't stop, won't stop.....(in my Puffy voice) Anyhoo last night "It's A Wonderful Life" was on. In 2015 I refused to watch it. Last year was a blur I don't really remember anything about the holiday

Good Tidings We Bring to you and your Kin

I'm in such a festive mood this year. I am excited about the holidays. Christmastime brings joy, peace and love. It allows you to celebrate the year and the traditions that mean so much. Lucky is gone this year but my precious Kitty lives on in my heart and his stocking will hang like it always has in honor of him. I have had two cats in my life who were ironically related and looked very much alike. I don't think I will ever get another Cat. We are getting Jermaine a SURPRISE for Christmas amongst other things. It's more for me though lol. I'm just excited to see my baby's face on Christmas morning. Knowing him he's just gonna play with the wrapping paper or knowing his meticulous self get it up and push you out the way to see the television. The Yule Log will be on in honor of my Father.  The greatest gift I received this year other than the deliverance from anything hindering my growth is the shift of my views of my childhood. I love my Father so much and h

Brand new life around the bend

As 2017 comes to a close I am amazed at how much progress I have made. Still working to achieve all my goals I am taking the time to devote my life to what I want. For too long I have focused on the things that weren't important. The opinion of others means nothing. My sons and their well being is ALL that matters. The higher you elevate yourself you will see the view becomes much clearer. My greatest accomplishments have always come after a storm. Gold is tested by fire. This Blog I created in October was meant to be an oasis for people that need somewhere to go to see empowerment. In comes in all forms. I'm just a struggle wrapped in strength. This year I literally had to go back to the beginning. I had to rediscover who I was. Outside of being a Mother I also am a woman. Intelligent, stylish, beautiful and captivating.  Sometimes we lose sight of that in our quest to be everything to everyone. I made the choice to take the chance to make a change(I read that somewhere lon

Moving on UP AND Moving Right Along

My kids are amazing. Last night one was eating a piece of Kit Kat and the other was eating a cheese doodle. Both had on a T-shirt and basketball shorts. They act just like each other. I see David in Jermaine. Jermaine is so strong. He is a little one but his strength is evident. He's very spoiled. I ADMIT THIS. My Daddy who helped me raise David had him in check. I used to be sad that Daddy only got to experience the first ten years of his life. Looking back retrospectively I know his heavenly guidance and intervention has saved David many times. It's so easy to get caught up in the trappings of lifestyles, circumstances and just plain old fashioned nonsense. I'm not the perfect Mother but I go hard for my kids. I try to do the best I can with the resources I have. It something both my parents did for us and their parents and well you get the picture. My Maternal Grandparents Ed Lee and Helen Jenkins with my Aunt Doris and Uncle Phillip Walker made the choice to leave m