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Brand new life around the bend

As 2017 comes to a close I am amazed at how much progress I have made. Still working to achieve all my goals I am taking the time to devote my life to what I want. For too long I have focused on the things that weren't important. The opinion of others means nothing. My sons and their well being is ALL that matters. The higher you elevate yourself you will see the view becomes much clearer. My greatest accomplishments have always come after a storm. Gold is tested by fire.

This Blog I created in October was meant to be an oasis for people that need somewhere to go to see empowerment. In comes in all forms. I'm just a struggle wrapped in strength. This year I literally had to go back to the beginning. I had to rediscover who I was. Outside of being a Mother I also am a woman. Intelligent, stylish, beautiful and captivating.  Sometimes we lose sight of that in our quest to be everything to everyone. I made the choice to take the chance to make a change(I read that somewhere long ago) when I realized that each day is a gift.

 If not now when? Will I wake up at forty-five STILL MAD instead of trusting what God blocks? Life is just that-life. Things happen. The wrong things fall apart so the right things can come together. Ginger Zee the meterologist for "Good Morning America" released her book today. Pregnant with her second child it's so poignant and heartwarming and brutally honest. Two hundred and sixty-eight pages. I have written one hundred and sixty seven pages. My good friend Marc who is an accomplished author suggested I write all the time. I started. It brings tears to my eyes to see my evolution. I wrote a fantastic piece last night after Jermaine Jr. went to bed. I literally had the words flow from me like a river. It was a synopsis of basically all I have learned. 

There's so much joy to be found in the littlest things. Christmas this year is going to magical. I am trying to do whatever I have to do to give my son's what they need and want. I also hope to make amends with someone who I have for TOO long been feuding with. Looking back reflectively it really never was that serious. With age comes wisdom and we are all living on borrowed time.  My late Father used to always say" I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet". I  don't have the answer to all of life's questions. I just know that I am so glad that I am not where I used to be. I am doing the things I want to do and living for me. I am getting my life in order because the next level is just around the bend....

Who's The Boss Theme Song (I do not own the rights to these lyrics)
Written by Larry Carlton, Robert Craft, Martin Cohan and Blake Hunter

There's a time for love and a time for living.
You take a chance and face the wind.
An open road and a road that's hidden
A brand new life around the bend.
There were times when I lost a dream or two.
Found the trail, and at the end was you.
There's a path you take and a path untaken
The choice is up to you my friend.
Nights are long but you're on your way
To a brand new life,
Brand new life,
Brand new life around the bend


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