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My Country Tis of Thee

The current climate in America is heartbreaking. Daily we are fed horrific and racially motivated vitriol. We are experiencing natural disasters fueled by Global Warming which are worsened by the mediocre responses based on geographic location and ethnicity. The Civil Rights Movement and the present day are mirror images and in over sixty years we have made minimal progress.

I was raised in the 1980's and educated by the "old" New York City Board of Education. Omitting the few, yet traumatic encounters by educators who attempted to stifle my growth and weaken my spirit- I received a stellar education by teachers who saw my potential and cultivated it. As a late deafened adult who lost the majority of my hearing in my early twenties I used to wonder would I have still been included in gifted and talented programs as a Black little girl with a hearing impairment? Would I STILL have skipped a grade? Would I STILL have gone to operas, Broadway shows, taken tours of airports, been to almost every museum in New York City, visited farms, entered contests and just been exposed to ANYTHING other than the bare minimum? Looking back retrospectively I would think so. My family believed in and supported EVERYTHING I did. My Father saw that I was equipped with the tools I needed to remain competitive in every way, shape and form. It was a different TIME the racism was there but we also had a semblance of progression and I'm not talking about affirmative action. It was you get out what you put in.

Even after a tumultuous High School experience I was able to become gainfully employed and secure a great career based on my knowledge and skills. It was 1999 and the world was suppose to come to an end. It didn't-yet we didn't know what lie ahead. I have two sons born literally a generation apart yet the oldest was afforded opportunities and privileges that I feel don't even exist any longer for minorities. Especially African-American males.

Having a child later in life gives you a different perspective on things. You want your children to inherit a world better off than when you entered it. You work hard, try to live right and do the right thing so that your legacy will be to them in part your positive contribution to society. In the times we live in that seems to not be enough.

It saddens me that a small sect of people have such hate in their heart. I in my lifetime have been through setbacks, hurdles and down right tragedies yet it has always propelled me to after I mourn to get moving. It has reaffirmed my faith in God and knowing that He will always make a way. I vowed to my children that I would take the gifts that are embedded in me and use them to create magic. YES BLACK GIRL MAGIC.

See in my opinion no one is lower on the proverbial totem pole than African-American women. I have a disability as well. We are raised to be stoic and strong. At all times to be courageous and fearless yet keep our emotions at bay and don't expect the same results regardless of the work we put in. Look at Former First Lady Michelle Obama. She is a QUEEN. She is the epitome of what class, intelligence, beauty and humility is. Raised on the South Side of Chicago she rose above her beginnings which were by no means meager and ended up with the best address in this country. All on her own merit-she chose him he didn't choose her.  They worked harder than anyone for positions that they were overqualified for. They made history yet the price they paid was very steep.

We all have talents, attributes and gifts that make us unique. That's what is so great about America. That's why so many people came here and STILL want to come here. Unfortunately, the powers that be want to keep valuable contributors out. And the views of the people have changed. Instead of envying us they want to now utilize the things we take for granted. Absorb the wealth of possibilities that ONLY exist in the United States.

What I miss the most about the men in my family that have passed away is their views on life. I honed my oratory skills countless times having intellectual conversations with them. They served our country, lived different yet magnificent lives. The treatments they endured, the sacrifices they made were so that I and my children and the future generations wouldn't have to struggle. Their lives meant something. Their contributions shaped our country, our world.

I'm just trying to instill in my children what was ingrained in me. Life is hard and nobody is going to give you anything. A free ride will eventually run out of gas. IN ANY CAPACITY. Hard work and determination can lead you to anywhere YOU choose to go. Even 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Just because it has been mocked and made into a caricature doesn't take away from the fact that President Obama united our species when he took that oath. And the sky's the limit for my children as well. That's what makes America great RIGHT NOW!


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