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The Pursuit of Happiness

I TALK TOO MUCH. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I am vocal about the things that I am passionate about. I'm truly working on trying to be a better me and to worry less. I am literally tuning out the noise. The values that were instilled in me, the upbringing I had it made me who I am today-flaws and all. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I do only wish I had of inherited more my Mother's personality. She NEVER lost her cool unless you were trying to play yourself. The stories I heard in the Post Office omg. That's why no matter WHAT I did to try to get fired LOL they wouldn't do it because my Mother was no joke.  I always knew that time we spent together was magical. Now that she's gone I feel it even more so. It also kept me in that Call Center all those years. She worked hard and didn't complain or brag about it either. It was just who she was and how she was raised. I miss her so much.

When you blog, communicate publicly in any form it's refreshing and electrifying but you also are exposing yourself. I counsel and converse with many people in confidence. When you write your words are privy to ALL. I'm just trying to publish relatable content. To broaden my horizons and extend my reach. Share my points of view with the masses.

I have accomplished so much this month. I build my days around Jermaine Jr. I get up early, plan my day the night before. I ain't perfect. Some days are better than others and I do have my triggers. One of the first tips to being successful in becoming a better you is organization. Getting things in order imperative. I have a ways to go but one area I have progressed in is focusing on what you can achieve. Home improvement projects. Getting rid of the clutter. I have had fake funerals for shirts, books, drawings. Jermaine is meticulous with EVERYTHING and David is grown and super organized.

Also planning and preparation is essential. We KNOW the holidays are approaching. Depression, finances and YOU can't stop you from making the effort. It only crushes the spirits of the ones you love. I know from whence I speak. No need to dwell on what once was. No need to panic on what might be.

And networking can also be found in socializing. I go to different functions and meet so many wonderful individuals. Talented and diverse be open to venturing out of your comfort zone. And traveling by yourself. If your tastes vary from others or even if there aren't any others don't decline the invitations. I guarantee you when you get there you will gravitate towards people who share common interests. I love politics, art, and fashion. My demographic also includes mothers of toddlers as well as adult children. And YES there's a sect of us that has BOTH.

Do YOU! I'm the Queen of pep talks. I see what you COULD see in yourself. And NO my third eye doesn't unfortunately always tell me what's best for me. But my heart does. I know what FEELS GOOD. When in doubt just go with the flow and play it by ear. Life is so much more thrilling when you spend it with people. The truest pursuit of happiness starts when you look in the mirror.


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