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Your Calling

Life has a way of showing you what matters. When I was employed in Telecommunications we used to joke that we were the "readers" who always took over the task in school. I worked in sales from my teenage years. It started selling makeovers and Glamour shots in Green Acres Mall. The phone part was honed being a call taker at the cab stand with Baby Daddy #1. I excelled at new line installations in Queens because I knew all the addresses. The late Kevin Brown taught me so much about our hometown during those times. They REALLY were the GOOD old days. I also worked at an Online Betting Company. That was the greatest job! It was so easy-like selling a blind person a map-the clients loved me but it was inconvenient and I couldn't continue the commute.

I HATED working in the Post Office. I tried to be grateful for the experience. I loved working with my Mother and PLAY Aunties. I know that it provided for me throughout my childhood and beyond yet it wasn't an ideal setting for me. Anyone employed by the United States Postal Service I salute you. It wasn't for me-not a GOOD look at ALL. God Bless you.

The best part of working at Verizon was being the Employee Resource Group chair for my work location. I almost had forgotten all the things I accomplished until I updated my LinkedIn page recently. The Toy and School supply drives, partnering with the Domestic Violence Shelter, delivering the toys in the snow to the school with Joseph Hochhauser as Santa Claus. He had political aspirations as well and ran for City Council in his district. He and his wife believed in my dedication to service so much and wanted me to be a public servant I now believe more than I did. The donations for the Walk-for-Hearing and Hearing Loss Association my former employer gave so generously touched me. ANYTHING related to the PTA they matched and supported as well.  I also enjoyed being Public Service Commission supervisor. It really expanded my mind. It made my tenor at a job that wasn't an ideal fit for me-yet provided a life for my son so worth ALL I experienced and endured. With age and time comes wisdom. Some things are meant to be for a season.

But writing-writing has always made me feel so complete. When I was around four or five years old my maternal grandparents gave me an orange book that was either my Mother's or Aunt Helen's. I can't remember which one. It was from their high school years and it had literature and mathematics combined. That book is how I learned to read at four years old. Granny, Auntie Helen, Aunt Jetaun, Aunt Colette, Shawana TAUGHT me I REMEMBER that!  I tell a lot of jokes but I REALLY told Kimberly Smith (Kim S.) when we were little that I DON'T NEED MATH I'm going to be a writer. Now we ALL know I can count MONEY but ANYTHING other than the basics I never gravitated towards. I'm okay with that. Really I am. I just have another child and here we go again lol.

Your calling can be ANYTHING that sets your soul on fire. I'm a salesperson so editing and publishing my book is exciting but marketing it and actually sharing it with the public is what is the real thrill of it ALL. I had written this book over the years in my mind. Forty years of memories, experiences, journeys, milestones, heartbreaks, adventures and acceptance led me to today. I am so FOCUSED. My son is my best friend and he KNOWS I am ready. I'm dabbling in a lot of areas. I'm not overwhelmed at ALL. It keeps me busy, excites me and I want J.J. to want or need for NOTHING.  I look back at all I have already accomplished. I am so proud of myself. And the best is yet to come.


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