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Showing posts from November, 2017

My Tribe

I have been reflective lately. In order to move forward you have to take stock of where you have been. I am blessed to have some really special people in my life. 2017 has been a great year for me with new beginnings. I have met so many wonderful souls and bonded with or reconnected with bright lights who illuminate this dark world. Writing has always been for me an outlet. I sincerely hope Jermaine has inherited this trait from me. My baby is so smart. He is so technologically advanced and I try to incorporate many things in his daily routine. As a new mother again I find myself gravitating towards the things that of course two years ago were foreign to me. As a Single mother I am basically the only example daily other than his Big Brother David so I have to make the right choices at all times. It's a daunting task to say the least. My parents and grandparents were alive and healthy and VERY hands on as I climbed the corporate ladder. They helped me immensely and for that I am

Joy to MY World

Last year I was so depressed over the death of my Mother and the demise of almost everything that I had known for so long. The holidays meant a lot to my parents. As some may know they met on Thanksgiving night. My father was an excellent cook and he could put together ANYTHING that's why I can't make rice right or coleslaw or hang a picture correctly. He made his OWN rice-a-roni. Everything was ready before Noon because we was going to Nana and Pop Pop's house AFTER Papa, Granny and Auntie bought us jackpot number 2 because MY PARENTS got us EVERYTHING we could ever want EVERY year NO MATTER what. Granny and Papa bought the cool clothes. Granny got you the gingerbread house from the Pottery Barn her employer, Wanamaker's was her store and Bloomingdale's. Auntie Helen bought the gifts that you couldn't find like my Cabbage Patch twins. OMG THEY HAD A STROLLER. One year Mommy bought me a Barbie doll for every day of the MONTH. THEN Pop Pop gave you MONEY. Ten y

To thine own SELF be true

It's almost time to ring in the New Year. I am thankful for the love, laughter and joy in my life. I'm grateful for my trials for they showed me how resilient I truly am. I appreciate all the genuine people in my life. The family members that really love my kids and I. The friends both old and new that encourage, motivate and uplift me. This year I learned that God is The Redeemer. He will make a way. He makes no mistakes. He KNOWS what He is doing. I am forty years old now. I have an adult son and a toddler. I am blessed beyond measure. I'm focusing on my children and myself. I'm going to achieve ALL of my dreams regardless of who does or doesn't support me. I'm going to invest in Jermaine's future. I'm going to take care of MYSELF more. I get so stressed out over the behavior of others. I ALREADY raised one Prince. I wasn't perfect but I did the best I could. I ALWAYS have to be on point because people only care about themselves. I'm FINE wit

Live, Laugh, Love

2017 is almost over. This year politically, emotionally and physically has been one for the books. In life one event can set in to motion many things. I am thankful for the journey but the experiences have led to catastrophic results on many levels. I do love the fact that minorities and women have taken stands and made strides for equality and acceptance.  Personally I have been on a quest for peace. The people I surround myself with have my best interests at heart. I am fearless in my pursuit of happiness. I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and trying new things. SHIT I went roller skating last week. My oldest son is almost twenty-one years old. He has NEVER seen me on skates in his entire life! The irony of it is when I was younger my Father and I used to skate everywhere. Life is about taking chances, enjoying yourself and forgiveness. The lot of others is their's to bear not yours. Let go of the bitterness, disdain and YES in some instances disgust. Being angry only

Moving Right Along

   The days are flying by. It's almost 2018. This year especially the last six months has been a catalyst in my life. I have set professional and personal goals and am trying the best I can to accomplish them. I'm also working on staying more present in the moment and enjoying life's wonderful yet chaotic way of keeping me fulfilled. I sleep more because I am exhausted at the end of each day. My kids mean everything to me. When Jermaine Jr. was born my Beautiful, Sweet Mother had just passed away. Most of the people that said they would always be there walked away. I was devastated and overwhelmed. I felt betrayed and abandoned. All the time, love and energy I put into others making them feel safe, wanted and taken care of. Looking back retrospectively I now know it was all apart of God's PLAN. Unlike others I choose not to use social media or the internet to throw stones, subs or whatever the youth of today are terming "SHADE". Some things are better l

Do more Living in Your Life

The end of the year is upon us. The holidays are approaching and depending on what part of the world you are in winter has truly arrived. I have so much going on! This week I have an Awards Show to attend which I'm very excited about. I'm finally going to recite the piece I have worked so hard on at a Spoken Word event. My labor of love it has taken me back to "rapping" in the vestibule of Rachel Arms many moons ago. Then I have a Panel I was selected for. Interesting topic (FASHION). Monetary compensation just sweetens the proverbial pot. I would do it for FREE but the way my kids are set up.....  I'm trying to juggle everything. It's really hard trying to create an Empire as a single mother. Building a brand doesn't have a structured schedule. When David was little my parents and grandparents were just a phone call away. I try not to bite off more than I can chew. I try not to commit myself to things knowing I may not be able to go. It pays to net

Just for TODAY

I want to thank everyone who is taking my journey with me. It's been a long road. I am a work in progress yet I am so far from where I once was. I feel purposeful and complete. God and I define who I am. It's so freeing to walk by faith. I met a young couple yesterday afternoon in their early twenties. They have an eight month old beautiful baby boy. They were amazed at me for starting over again because David is grown. When Jermaine Jr. was born I was in a sad place. My Mother had died and unbeknownst to me at the time my life was going to be turned upside down yet I would become better for it. Gold is often tested by fire. While we were chatting I didn't relay any of this to them. They were complimenting J.J. on his attire and how he looks like a little Man(I get that a lot). I spent enough time dwelling on what was, and am now living in the moment while planning for the future. I advised them to cherish and savor the memories. Time will fly by. You will turn arou

Your Character

Years ago my dear friend Cherylann gave me two great pieces of advice. She said "don't ever let someone take you out your character AND show the world how smart you are". She came to the United States from Trinidad with her little boy Randy long ago and through hard work, sacrifice, investing and living she has amassed a life rich in love, family and she lives her best life each day. I quote Cherylann (whom I affectionately  call C.A.) because she has an amazing work ethic, business acumen and above all values her family. She has been there for me many times, when it counted and when it mattered. I can tell her anything without fear of chastisement, rebuke or scorn. My late Mother always said "Cherylann-that's your REAL friend." The sad irony is that Ms. Veronica her own Mother passed away right before Mommy did. She was there for me as usual in full Big Sister mode, allowing me to vent and so excited about Jermaine Jr.  Our light in the dark, my Saving Grac