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Just for TODAY

I want to thank everyone who is taking my journey with me. It's been a long road. I am a work in progress yet I am so far from where I once was. I feel purposeful and complete. God and I define who I am. It's so freeing to walk by faith.

I met a young couple yesterday afternoon in their early twenties. They have an eight month old beautiful baby boy. They were amazed at me for starting over again because David is grown. When Jermaine Jr. was born I was in a sad place. My Mother had died and unbeknownst to me at the time my life was going to be turned upside down yet I would become better for it. Gold is often tested by fire.

While we were chatting I didn't relay any of this to them. They were complimenting J.J. on his attire and how he looks like a little Man(I get that a lot). I spent enough time dwelling on what was, and am now living in the moment while planning for the future. I advised them to cherish and savor the memories. Time will fly by. You will turn around and he will be grown. 

I haven't had a cigarette since Halloween night. Seven whole days(in my Toni Braxton voice). I'm proud of myself. I am trying to stay motivated. I'm trying to channel Uncle Sam and how he quit while I was pregnant with David and twenty-one years later he's still here enjoying his retirement and looking great. It's HARD though especially if I'm feeling stressed. I quit before for years. I didn't smoke during my pregnancy. My kids need me. 

Today my Goddaughter Angelica Baisley entered this world. She is loved and treasured by all. Our family gained another star. I'm so excited to meet her. A little girl to love, adore and cherish. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. My baby is going to be so spoiled. I can't wait to dress my dollbaby up.

 I'm always going to keep it a hunnit(hundred). It starts with being honest with yourself. I have a group of people that I can count on as my support system. We share the same interests, have similar goals and we just CLICK. No strained conversations, awkward exchanges.  Then I have a few people that I try to motivate. Some days are better than others. It's HARD because I  left the place they're trying to FLEE. You can't be MAD! I know it's HARD. Just stay focused. Do you REALLY think God would bring you this far to forsake you? Trust the process. You will look back one day and see how it all makes sense. 

Reinvent YOU. I had to change my entire life. I started setting goals again. Constructing lists and routines. Just basically staying busy, focusing on my kids and myself. That includes YOU time. Work on your professional goals. Get your mani and pedis. Designate some cash just for YOU. Buy the blouse. Get the four dollar muffin. UPGRADE your phone. Take the class. Go out more often even if it's by yourself. Hike, run the track, walk the beach. You don't need money to have fun. Every day get up, get dressed and make it happen. 

Smile back at that person who is admiring you. Engage in a conversation. Give them your number. Don't dwell on all the missed opportunities in the past. Be present in the NOW. Don't beat your NEW thing to an early grave by comparing. Don't think that every NEW thing has to be FOREVER. Don't automatically assume it WON'T either. Go with the flow. You deserve to be spoiled, treated good and WELL. The sexiest thing a man can say to me is "I got it".

Just for today be present in the moment without being stuck in it. My days go by faster when I'm not dwelling on the negatives. Positivity leads to positivity. Track your progress without getting consumed by it. Above all count your blessings great and small. I'm so thankful to be alive. I'm so blessed to have children. I'm so thankful I can stay home with J.J. every day. I don't have to leave him with anyone each morning. I worked so hard when David was growing up. I ran myself ragged trying to do it ALL. Sometimes you have to slow down and let life catch up with you. Or just be STILL and KNOW that He is here. 


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