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Showing posts from 2020

One Day at a Time

Thanksgiving is a time of remembrance for me because my parents met tonight oh so many years ago. My Father picked my Mother up in his cab on her way to work. Their relationship is and was one of the blueprints of my life.  My Mother was the most INDEPENDENT person I KNEW. She came from a lineage that was literally built on fortitude. She was so much to do many yet she was my MOTHER. a life isn’t measured in years but in moments. We are still creating them TOGETHER Ginny. I still wish we would of had more time.... My Father ruined me for everyone but David. David is the love of my LIFE. My Father told me THAT. He loved me so much and was so MAD everyone assumed Mommy taught me everything 🤣🤣🤣🤣He taught me a lot of things yet the defining moment of our life is just how much I miss you TWIN. Everywhere we went they said “Is that your FATHER?” Duh Bitch-🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m thankful for my Sons and Baba. For my family and friends who “GET me” For the unit we have created during the most tumult

Gender Reveal

 WCW 5 years s ago TODAY I was pregnant with JJ at the doctor finding out he was a boy. My Mother had just died and every day just getting out the bed was a blessing. I am not going to let my fear of the unknown STOP me from living my BEST life because God showed me the WORST so He could empower me to NEVER go there AGAIN!  I am a GREAT Mother! I always have been not for social media or for the STREETS but real LIFE! If I had 10 I would be a even better one because the other 9 would help me with the LAST one( I’m Betty Baisley’s Granddaughter don’t EVER get it twisted) I’m also Helen Jenkins granddaughter and you can love two children separately yet equally and they turn out how they turn out!  I made mistakes with David but he’s GROWN I gave that child EVERYTHING I could , showed him hard work by staying committed to my career that shit was torture! I didn’t  want to be a statistic not realizing I’m a STAR! You can have four degrees (ala Wendy from RHOP) and STILL end up where you end

Thank You

Good Morning Everyone! I had a GREAT day yesterday! EVERYTHING is coming together in my life and I am inspired, humbled and grateful. Mommy used to say “You want to hear a funny joke-? Tell GOD your PLANS” I love my children and the family I have created yet I HAD to carve out a niche for MYSELF! Something uniquely designed for KiM! I’m not dwelling any longer on what WAS, IS or even what is to COME! I’m blessed with the knowledge and skills I have obtained and honed throughout my life. I’m now applying them in different aspects starting with SELF care.  A year ago my life was on a trajectory that was going to lead me to today. I didn’t realize and truly understand that the lessons were in the journey. I’m not even talking about my relationships with my children or partner but my approach to life. I’m a GiVER. It fills me with JOY to help others! It does! My Mother was like this. She ALWAYS was. I loved that about her because I would watch her be rewarded for her genuine, unwavering no


  I love my friends that don’t mind that I always have JJ. They always invite me with him knowing it’s HARD. I’m not trying to be morose it’s just not easy finding a “SITTER” I also don’t be wanting to be screaming through y’all events “come here JJ, don’t touch that JJ” If I ask to bring somebody it’s only for help.  Shaquanna love him and help me on her days off (and when she comes home from work some nights no questions asked) Shirelle and Kristen stay inviting me somewhere with him. If I turn down an invitation chances are I had NO BABYSITTER I love y’all so much.  What you see on the outside or hear from a HATER don’t be the fucking truth! I’m held up to the HIGHEST standards me and my FOUR senses! I go through the same SHIT everyone else go through I just never with GOD’s Grace sat on a curb but this bitch has sat in the DARK!   I’m happy though! I KNOW who I am and have found my purpose! I SEE how people ARE and I’m FINE with that just KEEP that same ENERGY’ A few years from now

Motherhood Challenge

I first saw this picture after your home going services on the Post Office Facebook Page. The comments were so touching and in my grief I cried happy tears because everyone was saying the SAME thing-you kept it so REAL and your advice was spot on.  To say I miss you is an understatement. I just have learned to embrace each day with gusto, purpose and my LISTS(you always told me make a list and buy a planner or journal) To block out the noise and keep moving right ALONG.... I love you Mommy. I am so sorry for anything I ever did that didn’t make you feel as good as you were to me. If you had of coddled me I would of NEVER been able to live the life that God has planned for me! When I feel lost about JJ some days I find solace in you sending me to the other hospital ALONE in the blackout. Uncle Allen said that broke your heart. Y’all together now the cousin/brother that loved your kids even after we were grown. HE KNOWS what he said to me in his last days....I have THREE Fathers-God, Dad

40 Acres and a Mule

 I don’t KNOW who needs to HEAR this but ANYTHING is better than the current administration! Y’all killing me on social media talking about Biden-SHIT he didn’t even want to be President!!! You KNOW how NICE it is to retire to DELAWARE🤦🏾‍♀️does he even have 4 more years left? Does he want to be scrutinized every day of his golden years-life in jeopardy?? Taking over after these mf pillage everything! I KNOW he said what he SAID and did what he DID and voted for what he VOTED for but it was alright with the Obamas so it’s alright with ME🙋🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️ We haven’t seen anything yet! After we VOTE we staying in this MF bunkered down with ALL our needs met....Stephen King wrote a book 11/22/63 years ago and I’m so grateful I read it with my Mother. Y’all got TIME READ it even if it’s just the synopsis on Wikipedia. You can’t change history and you can’t THINK that one horrific act (electing a piece of shit racist) isn’t going to change the course of history!  I love politics! The Bush yea

Caught up in The Rapture

 Good Morning Everyone! I had a great weekend with my family and I am blessed beyond measure as are each of you! I pray that this week finds you happy, healthy and at peace! Sometimes we look so LONG at a CLOSED door that we forget that the beauty is in the journey and each day and experience can lead us to RAPTURE.... I thought the time between Mommy passing and JJ was my epiphany but aht, aht, aht(in JJs voice) this year 2020 has been my muse. I finally had the opportunity to be still and LISTEN to the whispers(in Oprah’s voice) my calling, my creativity can only shine through if I curbed the chaos.  My book is going to be candidly vivid. It will cover an array of topics, include testimonials and interviews and pay homage to the people in my life on Earth and in Heaven that have played pivotal roles in helping me become who I AM TODAY!  I’m so thankful for life and the people taking my journey with me. David and my kids bring me so much JOY it’s a ALOT but to whom much is given much

Little House on the Peninsula

NY on Pause Day 178: some of y’all don’t read the articles y’all post🤣🤣🤣Some of y’all can’t SPELL. Some of y’all don’t really be knowing wtf y’all talking about! Sorry Bernie you TRIED 💪🏾🏁👑👌🏾 I can’t find one of my favorite slippers they used to be one of my favorite’s too close to whatever Season Governor Cuomo gonna let us Have to start wearing another pair around the house but then again if we was outside I would have them on.....decisions decisions We having fish and grits for breakfast whenever we have it I’m shooting for 830 because JJ went to sleep at 7:17....he will be up at 6:30 or 7 the latest today was 5:45.He REALLY wants to go back to school it’s so poignant and touching but he’s getting on my nerves I risked it ALL for you Buddy and he don’t give AF. His teacher said “JJ wants what he wants when he wants it!” I want her to come and get her favorite my kids always the favorites I was the favorite too it’s FUN you get away with everything and learn

Native New Yorker

Native New Yorker This Pandemic has taught me ALOT: I miss my life that I was living I always COMPLAIN but I be EVERYWHERE like NOTHING my race, gender, disability-NOTHING stops ME! As long as the VIBE is legit I’m THERE(most likely with J.J) ABOVE ALL my kids are my WORLD David, JJ and I are a TEAM (The A-Team) and so is my SQUAD (yall know who y’all are) LivingLife Shirelle keeps saying we gonna be in every party, restaurant, event nah when it’s SAFE I wanna go to the Empire State Building....I’ve been putting it off for years my friend just was trying to get me to go before all this and I chickened out..... My city is hurting but just like gold is tested by fire we must remain united and committed to staying SAFE and eradicating this virus. I am praying for everyone near and far I believe in God He prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies, He’s  a WAYMAKER, The Alpha AND Omega God Bless You ALL xoxo 💋This was Daddy and my Song sorry Lord I went secular 🙏🏾#hesgo

Social Distancing

I haven’t really written a lot lately on Facebook but I have something to say: I am a Native New Yorker and strive to be a leader by example and to bridge the divide. ONLY in NYC can you leave your family in y’all safe haven and go home and take a hot shower because they turned the lights on after weeks post Sandy and come outside smelling like a new day has dawned and run into Governor Cuomo and the media on the corner of your block.... I am an orator. My strength comes from the fact that I am deaf so I block out the noise. I make eye contact with people, I engage you. I was grateful that he was THERE. I was happy he took the time to  talk to everyone. My zenith had already come when Christine Quinn who at the time was City Council Speaker and has a deaf relative came marching over to me at the National Verizon ERG event that I orchestrated. She was the keynote speaker. I told her years ago at a Women’s Day event don’t be scared of Bloomberg RUN don’t wait and I will help you. My

Unanswered Prayers

Unanswered Prayers I grew up listening to a lot of country music. All genres really because my Father was a Singer and Musician and well Ginny loved country music. CMT was on the top of the cable guide in NY all DAY and well the television in the kitchen had the front of the building playing all day and my Mother had the guide on in their room while she tried to sleep. Martina McBride, Faith Hill, Trisha Yearwood, and my FAVORITE Garth Brooks! Back before they were stars I discovered them through Mommy. The Dance, The Thunder Rolls, and Unanswered Prayers.... Throughout my life music has been a way for me to express myself. Even my beloved Lizzo because Ebadeb MADE ME FEEL TRUTH HURTS-literally, figuratively and spiritually...Kim's fucking ANTHEM(PLAY IT LOUDER FOR THE BITCHES IN THE BACK).when Daddy died and Mommy was staying here we sang our hearts out-Always and Forever, Native New Yorker, Hello, Private Dancer, Careless Whispers, My Life, and his all time favorite-Street Li

You’ve Got Mail

When we were driving home last night I was thinking about Mommy as we passed her old job the post office. When she was off and we drove by anyone that was working their shift she would say “Hey Audrey, Hey Brina, Hey Jeanie....”my friends (Michael, Daniele, Kim, Vicky you know my REAL friends) KNOW when we went on trips I would say “my Mother works here” I worked there when David was little and I hated it! I would be so LATE so they could fire me-they even had a meeting that I walked into LATE about my ASS. The supervisors were looking at the bitches that was complaining like” that’s Gwen’s Daughter GTFOH with that BS! i used to go inside and sit in the cage with Aunt Jeanie for hours. They let me work like 14 hours a day. I bust my ass for the first 8 and then would go walk around with Mommy or somebody lol. Sit in the cafeteria with Aunt Stephanie... My Mother worked nights so her holiday started Mother worked overtime for 2 months straight EVERY year m, EVERY day so t

The Sweetest Days

I know its been a minute since I posted something. I WILL WRITE ALOT ABOUT Kobe-just not NOW. Although he has been laid to rest and tonight is the All-Star game, I want to wait until he and Gianna are memorialized at the Staples Center. I want to see him take center court one last time and hopefully then this poetess will have enough strength to compose something complete. NO I didn't know him personally yet he is the definition of reclamation. May God rest his soul. I am trying to keep everything together the best way I know how. To whom much is given much is required. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to accept the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Daddy taught me that years ago in treatment. God knows I MISS my Father-but I'm glad he lived and I honor him daily by living in my truth. I strive to be a leader by example and to bridge the divide. To be the voice for the voiceless. I am working on several projects a