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Writers Block

For ALL y’all signing this petition KEEP this same energy about y’all President committing Treason-REMEMBER Pearl Harbor! SNEAK shit! I sympathize with animal cruelty! But he served his TIME! The HATE in America is so REAL! Y’all mad about Ms. Universe, MAD at Gabrielle Union making 12 million dollars a YEAR and that baby CUTE, Dwade loves HER, so y’all taking it out on their SON, MAD the Obamas bought a 12 million dollar vacation home with HARD earned MONEY! MAD at AVA because of “WHEN THEY SEE US! Shut them OUT of the nominations because it was TOO HARD to watch the TRUTH! AND EVEN harder to watch US WIN! MAD at Lena Waithe  because of “Queen and Slim” and she’s a successful woman of color! I am WRITING my TRUTH as a STRONG, intelligent. Gifted and Loving BLACK Woman in America! 42 years and I KNOW WHO isn’t going to BUY it! ALL my LIFE my parents taught me get in the room and open your MOUTH Kimberly! Yet as I age and with Jermaine Jr. (It was EASIER with David which is SAD) t

Stop and Smell the Roses

Whitney sang about our children being the future. As a young girl growing up in NYC I experienced a mirage of things. My childhood was filled with the best opportunities and biggest missteps. I have spent my entire life trying to be perfect and falling short every time.... My sons David and Jermaine are a generation apart. Both their Fathers heirs I grew up with David and grew with Jermaine. My sons mean the world to me. Everything I have ever experienced and witnessed led us to today. David and I have been on a journey through the years fraught with ups and downs and highs and lows. We still managed to wait on God and He sent us J.J.  Jermaine is something else. He to me is an old man in a toddlers body. During my pregnancy both my Mother and his paternal Great Grandmother passed away. Two women who when told of his impending arrival smiled so broadly that I KNOW he was delivered to us through them. I attempt to channel their spirit and love for family as I navigate this thing

Sweet November

Now that Thanksgiving is upon us I am reflecting on what I have experienced throughout this decade. As we close this year out we enter a new chapter that will be defined by the acceptances we take and the dreams that we chase. I am going to be brief with my post. I am just touching base and connecting with those that are on my journey with me. Your outlook is EVERYTHING! The perspective you view life is how you are ultimately viewed! I was too negative in my own life. I saw the good in everyone but myself! To paraphrase the late Ana Marquez-Greene a Sandy Hook victim "I was sucking out my fun sockets" I take care of my responsibilities  yet I'm living life! I am constantly evolving and building my brand. But I had to solidify my character first otherwise life would be all a facade. I will not give any energy to nonsense. I don't have that type of time.....I am on a mission in my pursuit of happiness. I just crave honesty. joy and accountability in every area of my

Reality Bites

BBW Synopsis: Shaunie was walking around so classy back in the days working with the hoes that was screwing Shaq and EVERYONE was talking about her! As someone who people TALK about I applauded HER however she rides for Evelyn like I ride for Daniele and Kim S.  🤦🏾‍♀️ ALL these YEARS and she wasn’t talking about YOU to Jennifer?😏AND Shaunie LYING about her talking about EV daughter HARD HARD her DOPE ass said some slick shit BUT they ain’t want her to go to Costa Rica because she dresses better them(been there too)  She reminds me of a Manager that fraternities with craft and has preferential treatment tactics towards her friends (here we go YO) I digress VH1 makes you edit a show in the can with a freakin Afterschool special on Colorism??? Maybe(in my Jamie from “A Walk to Remember voice) YOUR services may no longer be required one day.... Sometimes less is more like bring in some fresh blood and retire some of the OGs (pun intended) just give Jackie her own show....

Live on your level yet dream on another

Ever since Tyler Perry  created “Madea” alpha male minority men have been clowning  and ridiculing him. Milton Berle, Flip Wilson, Jamie Fox, Jim Carrey and others have worn a dress a time or two as well. This weekend on a former slave plantation ala “Gone with the Wind” and “Tara” TP put on the celebration of the decade! Nothing is lost to me that Hattie McDaniel being best friends with Clark Gable yet forced to accept her OSCAR like the HELP and still being cast in roles that were not worthy of her caliber. Even though Dianne Carroll didn’t live to unveil her stage her spirit was there and Cecily Tyson spry, steady and STUNNING was a highlight for me.... See when WE were little ALL we had was an occasional teacher, lawyer or JUDGE to name a few in our REAL lives. A person of color who choice their profession because it was a calling and to give BACK....But on television and the silver screen the people who were honored this weekend were the proverbial lanterns on our “Undergrou

To Her, With Love

My baby is officially in Pre-K. To say its amazing would be putting it mildly. I am so proud of him. I knew that once he was there he was going to love it. That is all that matters that he thrives. I love my children and David and are so elated that Jermaine is happy and in school. To God Be The Glory. I am praying for the Bahamas. In every city there's delegates and a coalition that is sending aid through various organizations. If all else fails contact Reality star and philanthropist Bethenny Frankel who is spearheading relief efforts through her charitable endeavors. They are devastated and need assistance. I have an exciting month coming up ahead. I am very thankful that life is good. Worry is the thief of joy. What's to be is to be! When you yearn for peace and it is granted you will live and feel differently. The life The Creator has given me is one that brings me unbridled happiness. I spent an entire year worrying about a GREAT day! That's over! Like I am living

Seasons Change

Yesterday was the final day that Jermaine and his classmate/friend had school with their Michy. We went out to celebrate last night with the kids, the other Mom and Michy's family.  I had been an emotional wreck all week. She's just not his teacher she's his Auntie and my friend. She lives down the block from me and I see her almost every day. To say she loves Jermaine is an understatement. I know that the field she is in is truly her calling. She's not only a kindergarten teacher but clinically trained to work with children on the spectrum. It's so ironic because she was recommended to me by someone that is no longer on our team. ABA Therapy is imperative during Early Intervention. Our first meeting didn't go great either. Exhausted from the barrage of testing that JJ had to endure. Spent because I am only human. I'm a lot of things but a machine I am not. Michelle doesn't pity or feel sorry for anyone. She is a Mother as well and I like to think I ta

Dear Mama....

Today would of been your 68th birthday. I just came home from Auntie's house with JJ. Eboni, Bert and the kids and I went to the beach in Delaware. I sat on the edge of the ocean in the sand in my bathing suit Ginny. I went in the water with no ponytail, gel, braids, just my authentic self.  I let Jermaine sit in the sand by himself. We ate water ices with gummies. We noshed on the barbeque that Auntie and Bert cooked. You loved the BEACH. I remember going to Dan's Supreme and you buying all the cold cuts and the different rolls and Granny bringing bread from the city. I remember EVERYTHING. You loved going food shopping because the white cashiers always used to assume we were paying with food stamps because of the stuff you bought and pressed the button and you pulled the money out and peeled it off with your long nails... You used to say "this is Post Office Money" I say " they won't give the deaf girl any food stamps" We didn't really go to the be

WHAT are WE Becoming?

I’m SORRY but people (including myself) tip-toed around the Late First Lady Bush out of respect and didn’t disparage her that much for the comments she made about displaced minorities being better off relocating after Katrina. Even with Reagan I could care less what he said. Nancy made the PSAs as penance for the shift her husband created when he introduced drugs into this country for profit. These people don’t write books or do speaking engagements yet their coffers are generationally filled and replenished. My Mother used to say “people sell their souls to the devil and he will come for his due.” I am so sad for my country. To witness history and equality even if only, truly for the night that he won was worth ALL the times I have been discriminated against starting with a RACIST Kindergarten teacher!!! Told me “who did I think I was because I could READ! I will NEVER forget Election Night 2008 I was an Reporter that night for the Associated Press the police and the media were a

Family Ties

Family Ties I just want to take the time to acknowledge everyone in my life that makes it wonderful. I have really been having a great summer full of love, laughter and wonderful moments. I have learned to get out of my own way. To live in the moment. I’ve realized that the behavior of others is just that theirs and their lot in life and has NOTHING to do with me. My children and our happiness is the only thing on my radar. David is GROWN with his own beliefs, opinions and mind. I can guide him but he is free to make his own choices. Jermaine is a child and although not immune by ANY means from the cruelty and malicious things that people and this world may serve up  I’m his Mommy, Advocate and Bodyguard. I try to keep this in mind at all times especially when the “Old Kim” that can make you CRY resurfaces. My children are my Kryptonite and people know that. It must be a very DARK place to exist in when you go THERE. I could to but I like who I see in the mirror everyday. I love

Summer Breeze

In order to live right side up sometimes our world needs to be turned upside down. I'm so thankful for my children. I now KNOW that every twist, turn, up and down moment in my life was because God had a Plan for me. Even my Mother's passing was uniquely timed by The Creator to coincide with my sons birth. The devotion to my pregnancy and the distractions of being a Mother allowed my grief to retreat to the quiet moments like when a Yankee has a milestone. When my favorite actor Michael B. Jordan has the same favorite song as her ( I Wanna Thank You) by Alicia Meyers. Today was an awesome day for Jermaine Jr. Every day with him is an adventure but today was great. This ain't my first time at the rodeo. Raising a Black son in America isn't an easy feat. In the Metropolis I live in it is difficult at times to navigate through it all. I crave the suburban life yet know that my heart lies in Gotham City. So I have to make moves to achieve both. I am my harshest critic. I s

Chapter 42

Last week was my birthday. I am thankful that God allowed me to see another year. I have been under tremendous stress with Jermaine Jr. trying to find an ideal setting for him. He starts Preschool in the Fall and honestly I went from being a bundle of nerves to becoming at peace because I know in order for my baby to thrive he must venture out in order to succeed. David is DAVID always sliding through home base at the bottom of the Ninth to win the game. Just like my Mother prophesized. He needs to be HIM unapologetically and own his own terms. I admire how he lives his life, his devotion to his little brother. His comradery with his friends. His zest for exploration. At 22 I had a child, a career, an apartment and BILLS. I never left my hometown. Not run out, forced out or driven out. Just NEVER left. One of my Best friends father passed away recently. To say I am saddened is an understatement. He lived a long life. I just worry about her. I know that grief can topple an already o

A New Day has Dawned

I used to worry about EVERYTHING. I tend to overthink and instead of living in the moment I ALWAYS think about what may come next. I am the child of a cool cucumber(GINNY) AND KIM TO THE 100X POWER(RONALD) I needed to find a balance. I hadn't been feeling good for awhile. I didn't know exactly what was wrong but something wasn't right. I had every test you could think of. To say I was scared was an understatement. I felt weak everyday and you know once I get a couple of dollars I BE OUT yet I couldn't find the strength to do the most mundane tasks.  I was weak, tired and I stood(briefly at times) defeated. My physician couldn't reach me by phone so she sent me a letter saying come in ASAP you had some abnormal test results. I received it on a Friday and Auntie Helen was on vacation. I didn't wanna bother her.  I told Eboni a little bit about it but rushed her off the phone because she has her own burdens to bear as the mogul in the making she is can be exhau

The Sweetest Days

When you change your outlook you change your life. For the last twenty-two years I have been not only surviving but thriving. I am my harshest critic. I am TIRED. I AM FINE. I don't have a care in the world. I am able to live independently and comfortably in the city where dreams are made with my children. I worked like a DOG for years at jobs that weren't the best fit for me to provide a life for my oldest son that many coveted. I get to stay home with my younger son and solidify his future. God is good. Are some days better than others? Of course! But each day is a new opportunity to be appreciative and live in the moment. My son will be twenty two years old tomorrow! I DID THAT! By no means perfect my child that I GAVE EVERYTHING TO has amazed me by who he has become. We TRY. WE KNOW Jermaine Jr. is watching. From birth I have done it ALONE. I seek no pity or adoration I'm just merely stating a fact. The greatest thing that came from this is knowing with age comes wisd