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Showing posts from 2018

I miss you most at Christmas Time

I remember the Christmas after my surgery  my job messed my money up and all I could buy David was a video game, a controller and a pair of came over and we had mad fun we had quarter legs and collard greens and drank Christian Brothers just ME and YOU 🤪😜you told me get dressed and go to Sharon party and look what happened I laugh so hard because if YOU had of went he probably would of ended up with you 🙃I also remember the year you bought me 30 Barbie dolls and that lady who you was walking around the store with and who watched your carts while you got the car took ONE and you CRIED because she was so NICE and was struggling to get all her kids gifts and you told her “my baby Kim still isn’t going to be satisfied” and SURE enough Christmas Day I told Daddy after he worked so HARD putting my dollhouse together while cooking and getting grease all over my dollhouse walls it wasn’t the RIGHT one and if SHE hadn’t of bought all those Barbie dolls I would of had the righ

A Year In The Life

As 2018 draws to a close I've had an amazing year. I have come so far. I think back on all I have experienced and the strides I have made and I know its nothing but God's Will and His Amazing Grace. I am living my life with purpose, strength and drive. The little moments can and do define you. I didn't know my own strength. I have found my tribe. The days are long and the nights are short but I have a group of people that "get me". Each and every day we motivate, uplift and depress each other. Nobody can truly see the best in you unless they want the best for you. So if your wallowing in guilt, pity or despair you can't reside there long WE don't have that type of time. I've been working on living my life focusing on living to solidify my character more than worrying about my reputation. In my forty-one years on earth I have learned through my Faith, Parents and Experiences-they talked about Jesus Christ. You must forgive me I binge watched "T

School Days

Last Friday I was getting my nails and feet done with JJ. I try not to bring him with me but as a single mother I do what I have to do. My day one came in the shop and was talking with us. Like she has known me since David was a little boy going to 197. She was getting a pedicure on her break. She kept JJ entertained while I got my nails done even though she could of been bounced...she went to the store for him and got him a snack and a juice. It’s been on my mind because she gave me a recommendation on a school in our neighborhood for Jermaine. I didn’t even know about it and neither did the Specialist or his teachers....He currently has in-house services 5 days a week and is thriving. He needs to be in an environment with his peers so he can have a great quality of life. I was apprehensive to send him far away in other parts of Queens and Brooklyn that was recommended and although I LOVE my TEAM home based services take a lot of coordination and patience...this will add more balance

Make KANYE great again

I’m an adult and have lived through many things and have my own issues but idc if Kris Jenner doesn’t convince Kim to commit Kanye the NEW where were you at WHEN moment will be THEM. I’m no psychiatrist but he is BEYOND bipolar he is schizophrenic and because I’m a woman of color and the Mother of sons and KNOW Dr. West tried with that boy it hurts my heart... This  isn’t about I told you so or I was right these are REAL people and that boy is CRAZY and this SAD. 13 years ago he couldn’t suppress the urge to stand up for US...9 years ago he couldn’t suppress the urge to say that Taylor Swift was wrongfully awarded an award. Now he’s going on reckless diatribes supporting the ONE person that has publicly and vehemently made it his MISSION to legally and illegally reverse The Emancipation Proclamation. That’s how I KNOW he’s crazy and almost beyond HELP. Because the brilliance has been outstripped by the mania. The OLD Kanye would be able to logically based on the academic evidence a

Summertime Fine

I had an amazing Summer! Not only did I come into my own, I learned how to live in the moment. It is so empowering and exhilarating to dance to your own tune. My life is humblingly blissful. I feel amazing. I stepped out of my comfort zone on faith and God has guided my steps. He is The Redeemer. I am so grateful and thankful for everyone I encounter in life. In the physical form I appreciate the support. My village sustains and motivates me. Through our hectic lives the camaraderie and fellowship creates a blanket of comfort with a beacon of understanding as a pillow. GOD told me to tell yall that. My way with prose, my ability to paint a picture with dialogue to capture a moment, a feeling, an emotion was embedded in me long before I ever took a breath. I lost my hearing almost twenty years ago. I never miss a beat. As I aged I discovered that my journey, my customized road at life was given distinctly to me because the world, the ages was suppose to know my stories. This Summer

Reality Bites:The Ryan Henry Review

As a Writer I gravitate towards reality television for not only entertainment but to be kept abreast with current affairs. Each show has a breakout star each season. For every Cardi B and Tami Roman (LHHNY & Real World/BBWLA)who kept it REAL real- there's always someone who as soon as the camera's start rolling they morph into someone who WE even know they're not. Then you have Black Ink: Chicago. The only way MOST of us are EVER going to go to Chicago is to meet with President Obama, Oprah Winfrey or to get a tattoo from the OLD 9 Mag. Dangerous is being kind about the state of Chicago right now. No disrespect. I'm from a "BIG, rich town" and I just come from the poorest part where Stack Bundles and Chinx amongst many other talented people lived, loved and were lost. (50 don't start with me please if this go viral Nana's from Baisley and I went to Martin with Sakeen I do not own the rights to these lyrics lol) I digress Chi-Town ain't no j

The Sweetest Days

This week has been amazing! I came home Sunday refreshed and relaxed after spending time with my Tribe. It flew by and was so productive. Jermaine Jr. is thriving and he's so precious! He wants me to be proud of him and I am! He's so smart and our journey is amazing. I am by no means being melodramatic. Last Sunday, my cousin Ebonisharear before she dropped me off suggested I write about my ability to overcome adversity. Always beating the proverbial odds. Jermaine's journey being my greatest test. Trazier who is taking this journey with me as well posted months ago about an E-book being a lucrative income producer and I can bust them out with no problem. I have been hesitant to go into detail about my baby because people are so cruel. I've had people say I wasn't teaching him anything and that I'm the reason he is speech delayed. Autism affects one in sixty eight children. More often boys than girls. Older parents and parents who have children two years apart o

Road to Redemption

It's now August. Summer is in full swing and in some parts of the country school has already begun or is about to. Lebron James recently unveiled his education facility in his hometown complete with amenities and perks parallel to no other. The significance of his commitment hasn't been lost on anyone. Hopefully this will be a catalyst amongst successful people of color to revitalize their communities through philanthropy. In my own personal life I'm remaining committed to rearing my baby as well as carving out a niche for myself. My days are filled with Jermaine's well being. The strides he has made daily warm my heart and reinforce my beliefs that God is a Healer. I am sharing this with you because I want anyone that may be going through something that isn't idyllic to know that you aren't alone. My baby is one of the two loves of my life. I raised my oldest with the assistance of people who now from above continue to supervise me with celestial guidance.

Selfcare Reform

This Blog entry is designated to my Sisters of color today. My gender as a whole is a beautiful and talented pool of women that I admire and love. I however am speaking to the ladies that look like me, talk like me and act like me. It's female with black in front of it. I say Black because my Late Mother told me oh so long ago to call us Black was such a respectful turn in history. African-American women are the cornerstone of civilization-I'm sorry if I sound biased. Vince and Tamar Herbert have more money than hundred of thousands of Americans yet she was told to "HUSH" the other day on tarmac by a Captain. If she wasn't being recorded I believe they would of dragged her off the plane not caring who she was. Other ethnicities scream and yell at the top of their lungs yet let US voice our opinions, quote laws or just try to reciprocate what others do and all hell will break loose. I digress-this is about US and for US. I'm about to import forty-one years of 

Jermaine's Journey

 I could of never imagined my life would be like this. So many changes, so much going on yet so amazing. Thank you God for every blessing and every lesson. It had to happen just like this!  Years ago David advised me to leave my page open and connect with people. My baby always supports me and is my number one fan! He constantly tells me I'm hilarious. He just hates when I'm Kim instead of Mom with the jokes sometimes(I'm a Cougar Tokyo Vanity-fly, fat and fucking-I put the I in insanity)I was so leery because of nonsense and nosey bitches yet they find a way to see your shit anyway! So many dope people support me through social media! Happy hoes ain't hating and hating hoes ain't happy. You know I'm always  gonna have another dollar, another outfit and another N^gga.... I digress GO hard! Build your brand, invest in yourself and HELP others! Not everyone (don’t be a FOOL in Ginny’s voice) and STOP breaking your own heart over and over! People come into

A Mothers Love

Today was one of the hardest days of my life. I am strong yet I am human. I used to cry all the time. Now my days are filled with caring for my children. I don’t have time to mope, be sad or weep. I cried today. Genuine Mother tears. Jermaine Jr’s story is his to share. I haven’t posted a Blog in months because I have been too busy. I’ve been on a journey and have met some wonderful people along the way. Doctors, lawyers, people from all walks of life who’s primary goal is to make sure my child has a great quality of life.  As I write this my baby is napping. He’s so tired. He’s been up all day being a good boy. He’s such a blessing to me. He literally saved me. I will do anything for him. I thank God for my child every day-just like he is. This world we live in is cruel. Especially to fatherless boys of color. I try to be everything to my kids. It’s hard. I have to manage my feelings constantly because of my blood pressure. My kids need me. My sons girlfriend said he told her he’s s

Grandzol Strong

In the day and age we live in, in the current State of Our Union it’s very hard to have empathy for a stranger and human kindness isn’t flowing...September 2017 I was at a point in my life where regardless of how hard I attempted to be a decent human being other people’s choices and ramifications continually and unceremoniously invaded my EVERYTHING. Who would of thought that one news story could have such an affect on not only my family but countless others as well... I’ll never forget I was in the family room at Eboni’s house making sure that J.J. didn’t keep turning the television on and off. The news was on. Delaware and Philly are neighbors like the Ricardo’s and the Mertz’s. That night the only thing I saw was the car and the crime scene. I really wasn’t paying attention my thoughts were elsewhere. My cousins baby shower was coming up and had been switched from Saturday to Sunday to accommodate my new schedule as I am a Godmother and I was disgusted. The next day I believe it

One day at a Time

I’m  going to have to make this quick I have so much to do today. I really am making money moves. I’m solidifying my future. Step by step I have dedicated my time to cultivating my dreams. Greatness has always been in me I just had to come into it on God’s Time. Everything will turn out just the way it was supposed to be. I have many friends from all walks of life. Social media has allowed me to connect on a human level with so many people. Their joys are my joys and when they experience trials I empathize with them. You never know what someone is going through. It pays to be kind. I spend a lot of time with my kids. So when I’m on social media I talk about what my days are like. Some days are better than others. But I give thanks in all I do. I haven’t been blogging as much as I should because I have been busy. I have some health concerns and it has propelled me to make serious lifestyle adjustments. I am on a diet. Working with a Nutritionist, partnered with exercise it’s working

Dear Mama

This is the third Spring my Mother has been gone. She left quietly on a bright Fall morning.I know now she couldn’t stay another day. If I had of been there Jermaine wouldn’t be here now. All of my life my Mother was there for me. Even in death she continues to guide me. She taught me so many things. She used to always put so much pressure on me to always do my best. I resented her for that but now I know WHY she did it. She knew the world was hard and people are cruel and life will be unfair but intelligence and class will always win. I have two children. Born a generation apart  and in the state of the world a lifetime divides them. I love them separately yet equally and above all unconditionally. My oldest is grown and as I guide him through life I often use the wsdom my Mother instilled in me to direct him. His guilt trips and woe is me that he does at times I shake off just like my Mother did to me. My Mother wasn’t a melancholic person. Even if she felt bad she wouldn’t show

If I stay STRONG: Ode to Mary J. Blige

To say I am estatic about the culmination of all the hard work Mary J. Blige has put in over the years that led her to tonight is an understatement. She has literally been the voice of my demographic my entire adult life. Urban, African-American, fashionable,successful women who are unlucky in love. I’m being so REAL right now. I’m forty years old and professionally at my zenith. I’m the Mother of two intelligent, handsome and charming sons born a generation apart. I’ve reinvented myself time and time again. I have perservered and overcome obstacles that would cripple a weaker woman. The last two years have been my greatest tests. I’m deaf-I lost my hearing in my early twenties due to illness. I couldn’t even throw on one of Mary’s(yes Ms. Blige WE take the liberty to call you by your first name) joints and cry, cook and drink this time. I didn’t have to-her REAL life played out for all to see-the greatest EP she could ever release. “Mudbound” by Hilary Jordan was one of the selectio

I’m a Hustler Baby....

Both my Grandfathers were hustlers. They did what they had to do LEGALLY to take care of their families. Thirty five years ago my Papa told me while driving down I95 that when he was younger that was mostly dirt road and Jim Crow was in effect but he always drove to New York before he migrated up here from Murfreesboro, NC because “New York was where the money was at.” He used to let me listen in the car to ballads and LITE-FM on the way back home from the Bronx while I did my homework and wrote my stories because he said “whatever makes you write Kim.” And you KNOW I forgot about the money Pop Pop gave me when that first Bell Atlantic check was taking too long and David needed pull-ups, Capri sun juice boxes and Happy Meals while I worked. I got my hair done too. Being the Father to thirteen kids, countless grands and great grands must of been stressful at times yet God was greater because he lived to be ninety three years old. Being married to Nana was a job in itself yet they love

I’m so FLY

As I spend this cold, bright Saturday devoted to myself I look back at all I have accomplished since Jermaine was born. I’m a very pessimistic person. Yet I have an innate ability to encourage, motivate and inspire others. All of my life. So while paying it forward I have directed my time and energy into myself and my children. And I have been blessed tenfold. It pays to be nice to people. The other day I ALMOST in true Kim form told this woman to mind her fucking business when she inquired why I was so upset. Yet like a MIGHTY River the words flowed like a damn being bursted. She peeled off the old bandaids(defense mechanisms and the cliche-“I’m okay”) I used to cover my internal wounds and dressed them, rebandaged them and kissed my booboos. She talked to me like a woman, a friend and my equal. I only encountered her because I made a surprising ally in someone that six months ago saw me as just another hurt, bitter, LOUD angry black woman. Not all Law enforcement are the enemy. The

Father Can you Hear Me?

I am such a procrastinator. I literally wait for the last minute to do anything. So is my oldest child. So was my Mother. I have always been late. To school, work, events. Strolling into school at nine o’clock thinking it’s okay because I’m gifted and talented. I’m the teachers pet. Bitch-you late. Sashaying into work on the latest tour dressed to kill while others were on time sitting with rollers in their hair. But I’m DEAF and I work at the phone company. Bitch-you about to get suspended. My Father was the King of Time management. He hated being late. He despised that I was always late. My graduation everybody came-all I really remember besides Nana telling me take off my shoes was Daddy pacing back and forth in front of the school in the scorching heat waiting for everyone to arrive. He had just completed a lengthy stay at a Rehabilitation facility and to say that he looked GOOD was an understatement. Moving right Along was the sharpest man in the Auditorium. I’m single and David

Captain of the A Team

As Spring takes a peek out from under her Sister Winter’s hat and scarf the sun is shining through my living room like a Rainbow after a Storm. I feel such peace and tranquility. I spent some time with my family and friends doing everything and nothing. My baby is thriving around his cousins. I am learning so much from my Tribe. We are enjoying raising our children together. Family is the people that stay when everyone else walks away. Blood makes you related but loyalty makes you family. I haven’t written in awhile because I have been super busy. Doing a lot of everything and a little of nothing I have been purging my home of the remnants of my former self. I still have my moments but they days of uncertainty and fear of failure are long gone. My sons brighten my life with each smile and touch my heart with each laugh. I love my life and motherhood and I’m so blessed. The journey was all God’s Plan. You ever just sit back and feel grateful? I mean not after a windfall or blessing.


I really am flattered by all the positive energy that my Blog has created. I am humbled that people subscribe to it and anticipate my posts. Life has a way of keeping you so consumed that it leaves little time for much else. Between my kids and my writing and remodeling my apartment I don't really have a lot of time. I have been hanging out a little bit and spending time with people that make me feel good. Throw in a hopefully very lucrative consulting venture and a dash of not giving a damn and you have created the perfect storm. Life is just that life. It comes at you hard. It changes in the blink of an eye. I can only speak for myself but there's calm in the chaos. You have to lean on your faith. You have to believe in yourself. I was a very negative person for a long time. Sure I'm strong however after a while even I got tired of the same story. It's all how you spin things. Stop looking at that closed door. Don't put limitations on yourself. Believe that you

To thine own self be true

Less is truly more. I am doing what I need to do to provide my children with a life that they desire. One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to HEAL. It took me to have others share with me their pain to see exactly how bad I was hurting. Hurting for nothing. Life is God's plan. In less than one year I have completely changed my entire life. My days are filled with raising Jermaine Jr., helping David craft whatever he desires. Making a professional splash in the world of Writing, Plus Size Fashion and Home Design simultaneously. I find if you keep yourself busy you have little time to feel melancholy. Are some days better than others YES but after the struggle comes the ease. I feel great about what lies ahead and am content with the here and now. I don't want to be famous I want to stay fulfilled. I'm tired of arguing with people that don't hear or see me. 2017 was a catalyst in my life. 2018 is the time where I will see the fruits of my labor. Th